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Do you love anybody? | Krishnamurti

By J. Krishnamurti — 2021

Extract from a public discussion at Brockwood Park, 1977. Here, Krishnamurti asks why we are so lacking in compassion.

06:00 min


Culture Shock + Compassion = Community | Ibrahima Sow | TEDxYearlingRoad

Coming to the United States at a young age, Ibrahima Sow endured a number of experiences that qualified as culture shock. Navigating his way in this new world, he met each challenge with heart and courage all the while determined to maintain his identity.

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Dannion Brinkley's Message of Love

Dannion Brinkley's presentation from Barbara Marx Hubbard's Birth 2012 and Beyond at the Agape International Spiritual Center.

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Conversations on Compassion with Dr. BJ Miller

In this conversation, CCARE’s founder and director, Dr. James Doty, will ask Dr. BJ Miller about his life’s work and how compassion has played a role.

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Autumn Opening by Sister Chan Khong

May all living beings live in security and peace- beings who are frail or strong, tall or short, big or small, visible or not visible, near or far away, already born or yet to be born. May all of them dwell in perfect tranquility. Let no one do harm to anyone.

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"Reflections on Embracing Compassion" | Shaika Camille Helminski

From the session: "Dark Nights of the Soul" | 2018 Festival of Faiths Camille Helminski is codirector, with her husband, Kabir Helminski, of the Threshold Society of Santa Cruz, California.

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Eve Ensler: Embrace Your Inner Girl

In this passionate talk, Eve Ensler declares that there is a girl cell in us all — a cell that we have all been taught to suppress. She tells heartfelt stories of girls around the world who have overcome shocking adversity and violence to reveal the astonishing strength of being a girl.

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Compassion - Guided Practice and Talk with Roxanne Dault

Teachings for Online Retreat with Joseph Goldstein, Pascal Auclair and Roxanne Dault

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Marc Ian Barasch on "The Compassionate Life"

Marc Ian Barasch on "The Compassionate Life"

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Lodro Rinzler on Sex and Dating with Mindfulness and Compassion

This teaching, from the author of THE BUDDHA WALKS INTO A BAR, asks us to contemplate what it means to bring mindfulness and compassion into the realm of sex and dating.

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Joining a Larger Community of Compassion

This sneak peak with Acharya Gaylon Ferguson is from the Science of Meditation online summit. You can sign up for the whole 5 day summit which runs Oct. 19-23, free right here:

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