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Full Ordination for Tibetan Buddhist Nuns | Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron

By Thubten Chodron — 2019

Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron succinctly explains the complex history surrounding the full ordination of Tibetan Buddhist nuns as well as the future proposals for how to resolve the challenges faced.

06:02 min

Begin Again: James Baldwin’s America and Its Urgent Lessons for Our Own

Begin Again is one of the great books on James Baldwin and a powerful reckoning with America’s ongoing failure to confront the lies it tells itself about race. Just as in Baldwin’s “after times,” argues Eddie S. Glaude Jr.

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Dharma Matters: Women, Race, and Tantra

Jan Willis was among the first Westerners to encounter exiled Tibetan teachers abroad in the late sixties, instantly finding her spiritual and academic home.

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Elisa Shankle Is Encouraging Her Community to Be Brave and Heal

“Vulnerability is scary. I associate bravery with vulnerability because it takes bravery to be vulnerable,” the Brooklyn wellness expert says.

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Misty Copeland Says Ballet Industry Is ‘Extremely Behind’ on Racial Equality, Justice

Misty Copeland is speaking out about racial injustice and inequality in ballet.

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Teaching and Learning About Martin Luther King Jr. with the New York Times

How do you celebrate and teach the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., both on the holiday that celebrates his birth, and all year long?

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Shadow Generation

The murder of a family friend changed the course of my life. His name was Balbir Singh Sodhi. Four days after 9/11, he was shot in the back in front of his gas station by a man who yelled when arrested, “I’m a patriot! Arrest me and let those terrorists run wild.”

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The Unfinished Work of Malcolm X

After a life filled with transformation, Malcolm X found himself in February 1965 in the throes of yet another.

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A Call to Conscience: The Landmark Speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

A powerful collection of the most essential speeches from famed social activist and key civil rights figure Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This companion volume to A Knock At Midnight: Inspiration from the Great Sermons of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?

In 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., isolated himself from the demands of the civil rights movement, rented a house in Jamaica with no telephone, and labored over his final manuscript.

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No Future without Forgiveness

The establishment of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission was a pioneering international event. Never had any country sought to move forward from despotism to democracy both by exposing the atrocities committed in the past and achieving reconciliation with its former oppressors.

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