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The Dangers of a Bad Night’s Sleep Are More than You Think

By Robin Berzin — 2016

This wealth of science can be overwhelming, and for many it only adds to the anxiety of “not getting enough sleep.” The good news is resetting your sleep is actually not that hard.

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How Does Sleep Influence Cancer Risk?

Getting enough sleep is important for overall health and may be related to cancer risk.

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The Science of Sleep: Having Trouble Sleeping? Enhance the Quality of Your Sleep

It is likely that you have neither heard of nor experienced yoga nidra, which might just be the answer to your sleepless nights.

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An Introduction to Rest

Some people harbor the illusion that rest is a luxury they do not have time for, but the reality is that rest is a necessity.

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5 Areas of Personal Growth (Plus Tips for Development)

Understanding personal growth and how you can achieve it can help you use your skills efficiently in the workplace and advance professionally.

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Personal Development: 9 Skills, Tips, and Examples

Why personal development is so important and how to improve yourself.

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The Truth Behind What It Means When You Have A Really Vivid Dream

Are you having unusually realistic dreams? Here’s what science can tell you.

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Advice on Dire Diagnoses From a Survivor

With each diagnosis, knowing her life hung in the balance, she was “stunned, then anguished” and astonished by “how much energy it takes to get from the bad news to actually starting on the return path to health.”

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An Underappreciated Key to College Success: Sleep

Whatever you may think can get in the way of a successful college experience, chances are you won’t think of one of the most important factors: how long and how well you sleep. And not just on weekends, but every day, Monday through Sunday.

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College Students Aren’t Getting Nearly Enough Sleep

Sleep is underrated when it comes to college students. Many treat sleep as a luxury only for the weekends, when it should be treated the same no matter the day of the week. The negative effects of an unfulfilling night of sleep outweigh the benefits of a few more hours of studying.

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College Students: Getting Enough Sleep Is Vital to Academic Success

According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), the best way to maximize performance on final exams is to both study and get a good night of sleep.

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