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How this Psychologist Treats Soldiers Who Can’t Let Go of What They Did at War

By Amanda Taub — 2015

Dr. Resick spoke to me about how CPT is used to help veterans heal from moral injury. Her message was that it is possible to heal from moral injury, but that doing so requires a shift in the way patients think about war, morality, and themselves.

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As Climate Worsens, Environmentalists Also Grapple with the Mental Toll of Activism

Today’s climate activists are driven by environmental worries that are increasingly more urgent, and which feel more personal.

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What Is Post-Traumatic Growth?

Traumatic experiences don’t always have to result in long-term negative consequences. Research proves that exponential growth can actually result from traumatic events instead.

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Former Therapist: VA Is Hurting Mental Health Care for Combat Veterans at Its Vet Centers

A former VA therapist says productivity pressure on counselors who treat veterans for mental health issues like PTSD is hurting the quality of care.

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Solving the Mystery of Military Mental Health: A Call to Action

The iconic scene when George C. Scott slaps the soldier with PTSD in Patton and calls him a “yellow-bellied coward” mirrors the historic and continued ambivalence of the military toward the psychological wounds of war.

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Wounded Veteran Shares Stories of Resilience

When Dave Roever was in the Navy during the Vietnam War, “resiliency” and “comprehensive soldier fitness” took a backseat to combat operations.

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Overcoming Barriers to PTSD Care

PTSD is not something to be ashamed of. The best thing you can do for yourself is to take control and get help.

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PTSD Treatment Options

Although there are a number of treatment options for PTSD, and patient response to treatment varies, some treatments have been shown to have more benefit in general.

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Virtual Reality Therapy Plunges Patients Back Into Trauma. Here Is Why Some Swear by It.

An experimental treatment seems poised to address a dire mental health crisis.

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Veterans with PTSD Struggle to Parent, But Help Is Available

The loud, chaotic realities of raising young children can be a huge challenge for military parents with PTSD.

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More Veterans with PTSD Will Soon Get Help from Service Dogs. Thank the ‘PAWS’ Act

For vets with PTSD, a service dog is like a ‘battle buddy’ for life

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Veteran Well-Being