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Autism May Be Linked to Mirror-Touch Synesthesia, the Ability to Physically Feel What Others Feel

By Andréas RB Deolinda

Although synesthesia is not as rare as it was once believed, synesthetes (people who experience synesthesia) typically don’t realize their unique abilities are not common to everyone. Another fun fact: it’s also believed synesthesia could be linked to autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

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The Mirror-Touch Synesthetes Who Can Literally Feel Your Pain

People with the unique neurological condition aren't just sensitive to the emotions and physical sensations of others—they feel them like it's their own.

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‘We Can Literally Feel Our Patients’ Pain’: From a Neuroscientist to a Massage Therapist, We Speak to Some of the Rare Few Healthcare Professionals with ‘Mirror-Touch Synesthesia’

Mirror-touch synesthesia is a rare neurological trait that makes people highly empathic, allowing them to feel what others do by looking at or touching them.

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‘Clients Say It Feels Like We’ve Always Known Each Other’: The Mental Health Experts Who Believe Their Autism Has Turbocharged Their Work

Therapists, psychologists and nurses who are autistic say it has made them better at their jobs, but that misconceptions about the condition are forcing them to keep their diagnosis a secret.

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Life and Simulated Death with Mirror Touch Synaesthesia

Since she was young, Luna Jones has had the “superhuman” ability to feel everything you (and everyone else) feels. Is it a burden or a gift?

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Some People with Synaesthesia Feel Other People’s Sensations of Touch – Painful and Pleasurable

Interactions between self-other representation and vicarious perception are thought to be important to how we all experience empathy.

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Help Arrives for Mirror-Touch Synesthetes

Pioneering therapist Dr. Judith Orloff counsels the highly empathic.

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What Happens When Our Brain Lets Us Taste Words?

Our five senses evolved to help us know the world. But sometimes, a tripped wire or two in the brain lets us perceive in completely bizarre ways.

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We Are All Synesthetes

Given the right circumstances.

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Is Synesthesia a Brain Disorder?

In a provocative review paper, French neuroscientists Jean-Michel Hupé and Michel Dojat question the assumption that synesthesia is a neurological disorder.

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The Many Types of Synesthesia Explained

Research and understanding of synesthesia are currently quite fluid, with new findings being regularly reported. The scientific community has, however, established somewhat consistent descriptions of the most common ways in which the various types of synesthesia manifested.

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