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Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama

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By The Dalai Lama, Daniel Goleman — 2004

* Why do seemingly rational, intelligent people commit acts of cruelty and violence? * What are the root causes of destructive behavior? * How can we control the emotions that drive these impulses? * Can we learn to live at peace with ourselves and others? Imagine sitting with the Dalai Lama... See more...

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The Unbelievable Happiness of What Is: Beyond Belief to Love, Fulfillment, and Spiritual Awakening

What do you really want—isn’t it happiness? And what keeps you from being happy? Could it be that your need to cling so tightly to what you believe—about yourself and life, about how things should be—is what’s holding you back? In The Unbelievable Happiness of What Is, a contemporary spiritual...

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Getting Unstuck: A Workbook Based on the Principles in “Change Your Mind and Your Life Will Follow”

A spiritual self-help guide teaching you the 12 principles that will transform your way of thinking and lead you towards living a better life.

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F**k It Therapy: The Profane Way to Profound Happiness

If every therapist and psychotherapist on the planet could repeat this to their clients, like a mantra, again and again, there would be fewer therapists and psychotherapists. Because it works. Very quickly.

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F**k It: Be at Peace with Life, Just as It Is

Is there a gap between how you’d like things to be and how they are? Most likely there is, and it hurts. It may be a small gap or a freaking enormous ravine, but that gap is, in fact, probably the primary cause of pain and unhappiness for most people.

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Emotional Chaos to Clarity: Move from the Chaos of the Reactive Mind to the Clarity of the Responsive Mind

Despite our best-laid plans, life is difficult, and we sometimes experience anger, anxiety, frustration, and doubt. This emotional chaos can negatively affect the way we live our lives.

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Letting Go of Anger: The Eleven Most Common Anger Styles and What to Do About Them

Millions of Americans have problems with anger, and best-selling authors and anger experts Ronald and Patricia Potter-Efron are out to do something about it. Their hard-hitting style gets to the core of anger feelings, empowering readers to take control of their behavior and their lives.

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Going to Pieces without Falling Apart: A Buddhist Perspective on Wholeness

For decades, Western psychology has promised fulfillment through building and strengthening the ego. We are taught that the ideal is a strong, individuated self, constructed and reinforced over a lifetime. But Buddhist psychiatrist Mark Epstein has found a different way.

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The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, one of the world’s foremost experts on trauma, has spent over three decades working with survivors.

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The Wise Heart: A Guide to the Universal Teachings of Buddhist Psychology

You have within you unlimited capacities for extraordinary love, for joy, for communion with life, and for unshakable freedom—and here is how to awaken them.

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Awakening Joy: 10 Steps to Happiness

Awakening Joy is more than just another book about happiness. More than simply offering suggested strategies to change our behavior, it uses time-tested practices to train the mind to learn new ways of thinking.

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Science and Spirituality