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Whenever you are confronted with an opponent. Conquer him with love.

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Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869–1948) was an Indian lawyer, political ethicist, and anti-colonial nationalist whose campaigns of civil disobedience helped lead to India’s independence from British rule. His espousal of nonviolent resistance inspired civil rights movements across the world, earning him the honorific of “Mahātmā,” or “great-souled.”

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Stop Yelling! Here’s How to Use *Mindful* Communication for Conflict Resolution With Your Partner

There’s a gap between what you’re really thinking and what you’re saying. You’re distracted by all that’s going on inside and you’re uncertain about what to share and what’s better left unsaid.

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Everyday Diplomacy

Your idea of a great Sunday is to rise with the sun for a long run. Your partner, however, has other ideas. His notion of a proper Sunday involves sleeping late and enjoying a leisurely brunch over the Sunday paper.

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Failed Relationships and Neurodivergence

Kristy touches on the history and trauma of failed connections for neurodivergent folks, the impact it has one self esteem and the complexity involved with future relationships moving forward.

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ADHD and Relationships

If you have ADHD, you might find it hard to date, make friends, or parent. That’s partly because good relationships require you to be aware of other people's thoughts and feelings. But ADHD can make it hard for you to pay attention or react the right way.

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ADHD & Relationship—Secrets to a Happy ADHD Relationship

Relationships in which one or both partners have ADHD can range from being successful to catastrophic. Having ADHD in a relationship can be the causing factor of plenty frustrations, miscommunications, resentments and a large cause in divorces of marriages.

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Aspie Shutdown and Withdrawal: Dealing with Sudden Emotional Withdrawal in Relationships

Aspie shutdown and withdrawal is a big part of how autism affects relationships.

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ADHD Relationship Issues and How to Avoid Them | Hidden ADHD

My first marriage taught me that relationships are hard, but with Adult ADHD - relationship issues can be even more complicated. I'm going to give you strategies you can use to better understand yourself or your ADHD partner to help you create a healthy, long-lasting relationship.

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5 Asperger's Dating Tips to Help YOU! (Are You Making These Mistakes?)

In this video I’m out lining Asperger’s dating tips and Asperger’s dating problems to help you with your dating needs. Having Asperger’s syndrome myself I have been through all of these issues that would probably occur from a long-term relationship with somebody with autism.

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Autistic Relationships: 10 Tips for Neurotypical Partners in Neurodiverse Relationships

Being in a neurodiverse relationship can be extra challenging! In this video, Tay (neurodiverse) and her husband Scott (neurotypical) share 10 Tips for Neurotypical Partners in Neurodiverse Relationships.

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ADHD and Autism Relationship Accommodations -- How to Get Your Needs Met

We all have needs. We all need our relationships to help meet those needs. So...what if it can't? This is where relationship accommodations come in.

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Conflict Resolution