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Jim Fadiman on "Cultural Implications of Altered State of Consciousness"

By James Fadiman — 2014

One cannot speak long about consciousness without eventually having to grapple with altered states of consciousness brought on by physical exertion, sensory privation, fasting, meditation, many spiritual practices, especially drumming, and the ingestion of psychedelic substances. See more...

01:31:50 min


Christopher Timmermann—the Neurophenomenology of the DMT State

The Neurophenomenology of the DMT State, presented by Christopher Timmermann from Imperial College London, UK

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Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris: Can Psychedelics Cure Depression?

Psychedelics have an ancient and more recent history of medicinal-use. Administered in a supportive environment, with preparatory and integrative psychological care, psychedelic medicines are now being used to facilitate emotional breakthrough and renewed perspective.

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Dr. Robin Carhart Harris: Psilocybin and the Psychedelic State

Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris, of the Neuropsychopharmacology Unit, Imperial College London, discusses research on Psilocybin and how psychedelics could be used in therapy to help with depression, addiction, and other problems of rigid thought patterns.

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Amanda Feilding: LSD, Precious Key of Neuroscience | The Beckley Foundation

The Beckley Foundation Scientific Program conducts cutting edge research with LSD in human subjects, explores neurophysiological similarities between LSD and the mystical experience through observing modulations in the blood supply, brainwaves and a broad spectrum of cognitive changes.

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Our Best Selves | Jamie Wheal | SU Global Summit

In a world of exponential change, one of our greatest challenges is to remain centered on what makes us human. Jamie Wheal, co-author of Stealing Fire, shows how we can achieve a state of Flow, helping us to perform at our best, live our happiest and most fulfilled lives—and to be our best selves.

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Paul Stamets at the Psilocybin Summit 2020 - Psilocybin Mushrooms & Their Emergent Medicines

Paul Stamets has been studying psilocybin mushrooms since the mid 1970's. Having written 6 books, including two field guides to psilocybin mushrooms, Paul has named four new psilocybin-active mushroom species.

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Gods, Monotheism, and Ideologies All Failed. But the Human Brain Could Still Succeed. | Joscha Bach

Religious skepticism birthed the modern world, but its ideologies have largely failed to deliver. Could neuroscience cure the ails of human society? In this fascinatingly brief tour of world history, Joscha Bach suggests that us moderns still toil in the mud of feudalist peasants.

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Altered States to Altered Traits: Hacking Flow

Jamie Wheal speaks at TEDx Black Rock City. “It’s never been easier to get high, and it’s just as hard as it’s always been to stay that way.

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Altered States of Consciousness: There’s Nothing Supernatural About It | Jamie Wheal | Big Think

Altered states of consciousness are documented across cultures, from shamans to Silicon Valley coders. As different as these experiences seem, there are four neurological features they all have in common.

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The First Modern Images of a Human Brain on LSD

For the first time ever, scientists scanned a brain on LSD using modern technology. What they saw was a more "unified brain." In the experiment, researchers scanned dozens of participants with a fMRI machine. Once after being injected with 75 micrograms of LSD and a second time with salt water.

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Altered States of Consciousness