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Nelson Mandela at Harvard

By Nelson Mandela — 2014

Nelson Mandela was given an honorary doctoral degree from Harvard University in a special fall convocation on September 18, 1998. Introduced by former University President Neil L. Rudenstine, Mandela delivered an address in the Tercentenary Theatre of Harvard Yard.

23:22 min


If I Should Have a Daughter . . . | Sarah Kay

“If I should have a daughter, instead of Mom, she’s gonna call me Point B ...” began spoken word poet Sarah Kay, in a talk that inspired two standing ovations at TED2011.

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Bravery and Authenticity in a Digital World, with Brené Brown | Chase Jarvis Live

Chase Jarvis welcomes author, scholar, and public speaker Brené Brown to the studio to discuss how failure, heartbreak, or loss can unlock creativity and your biggest successes in life.

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The Call to Courage—Brené Brown Compilation

This video is included in the free online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course (MBSR) by Palouse Mindfulness. It is an edited compilation of three videos.

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You Must Be Strong

Satsang with Mooji, Zmar Silent Retreat, Portugal, 19 September 2012, session 2. “You must choose freedom. Don’t pretend: ‘Let’s see if it is working out.’ No. You must choose. Not ‘I want.’ No! ‘I choose. I choose this!’ And let the consequences come because that is Truth.

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