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Give Yourself Permission to Be Creative | Ethan Hawke


Reflecting on moments that shaped his life, actor Ethan Hawke examines how courageous expression promotes healing and connection with one another - and invites you to discover your own unabashed creativity. "There is no path till you walk it," he says.

09:17 min


ADHD & Relationship—Secrets to a Happy ADHD Relationship

Relationships in which one or both partners have ADHD can range from being successful to catastrophic. Having ADHD in a relationship can be the causing factor of plenty frustrations, miscommunications, resentments and a large cause in divorces of marriages.

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Olympian Gracie Gold Gets Candid About Her Mental Health with Michelle Kwan | Thank You Notes

Michelle Kwan may be one of the best figure skaters of all time, but it’s her incredible resolve that made her such an inspiration to fellow skater Gracie Gold. In this video, Gracie tells Michelle: “You once estimated that you’ve fallen 131,000 times in your skating career.

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How to Be Competitive as an Artist

I used to hate competition. But now it doesn’t bother me. I figured out that competition was so unpleasant because I was focusing too much on everyone else. I lost track of me in the process.

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Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?

Why I refuse to let technology control me. You need not drastically minimize your time on social media and commit to spending time completely unplugged. The message is simple, be balanced, be mindful, be present, be here.

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Everybody Dies, But Not Everybody Lives

The one thing you should know before you die.

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How to Meet Broken Hearts and Longings—Jeff Foster

Author/teacher Jeff Foster shares how to mindfully meet a broken heart, honour it, breathe into it, allow blocked energy to move. How to bring love and acceptance to present-moment feelings of fear, sadness and longing.

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Karen Johnson: Being Human Is a Development

At her SAND 2018 appearance, Karen Johnson, co-founder of the Diamond Approach, reminds us that “human” comes from humus, the earth, and “being” is what we feel meaningless without. We feel both these to be real, to be who we are.

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The Power of Stories with Eckhart Tolle & Karen May (Google)

Eckhart Tolle and Karen May of Google discuss the power of sharing our stories in this clip.

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The Real Reason You're Feeling Unfulfilled | a New Earth | Oprah Winfrey Network

According to spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle, everything you need to be happy is already inside you; you just have to be present to access it. Watch as he explains how getting lost in your own head can keep you from feeling whole and advises how to combat that tendency.

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Finding Meaning