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College Is Hard, But Nobody Talks About It


Hi, I’m Tiffany and I studied Computer Science and Classics at Stanford. This video was filmed a year before I graduated. Now I look back on this and see how much I’ve grown from the experience!

06:43 min


Solution for Self-Critical Perfectionism in Sports

Can’t let go of mistakes you’ve done in practice or competition? Too self-critical or analytical? Discover the mental toughness solution to this mental virus that is harmful for your performance in sports!

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Fragile Confidence and Perfectionism in Volleyball

Dr. Patrick Cohn and Dr. Megan Melchiorre, our newest member to the Peak Performance Sports Mental Coaching team, start a new mental game video series for volleyball coaches, players and parents. They discuss the psychology of volleyball and some of the challenges that volleyball players have.

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How Perfectionism Stifles Young Athletes’ Success

Dr. Patrick Cohn discusses how fear of failure and perfectionism in young athletes can stifle their performance and thus success in sports.

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What Makes Elite Athletes Thrive or Dive Under Pressure? | The Economist

Psychology is an increasingly important part of elite sport. Winning at the highest levels can depend as much on peak-fitness of the mind as the body. For top-level sports people it’s not just skill and athleticism they count. So often, it’s mind over matter.

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Dr. Brené Brown on Faking It, Perfectionism and Living Wholeheartedly | SuperSoul Sunday | OWN

Daring Greatly, Dr. Brene Brown identifies 10 qualities people living a wholehearted life have in common. Here, she discusses two with Oprah. Watch to find out why Dr. Brown says inauthenticity is contagious and why perfectionism is really another form of fear.

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Academic Struggles