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Guide to Biohacking: Types, Safety, and How To

By Tim Jewell — 2019

Biohacking can be described as citizen or do-it-yourself biology. For many “biohackers,” this consists of making small, incremental diet or lifestyle changes to make small improvements in your health and well-being. Biohacks promise anything from quick weight loss to enhanced brain function. But the best biohacking results come from being well-informed and cautious about what works for your body. Read on to learn how biohacking works and how to do it safely.

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What Ails Us

Most genetic studies completely ignore the science of epigenetics, which is how the environment actually turns certain genes on or off.

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Is It Tme to Regulate Biohacking? California Thinks So.

A new law warns biohackers not to edit their genes at home.

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If Athletes Can Edit Their Own DNA, How Will We Detect It?

The ability to edit the genetic code of a human being in vivo may have once seemed a far-off fantasy. But the advent of CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technology, which saw Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier win the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, has made it very much a reality.

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Epigenetics: Conducting the Symphony of Genetics

For all the hype, fear and misinformation that surrounds the application of gene editing, there is an equally powerful technology that offers much the same in potential benefit. This technology, epigenetics, is a natural process that has gone largely unremarked by consumers.

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A Super Brief and Basic Explanation of Epigenetics for Total Beginners

Epigenetics is the study of biological mechanisms that will switch genes on and off, to be put as a simplified definition. What does that mean? Well, if you are new to this whole thing, we first need a quick crash course in biochemistry and genetics before learning exactly what is epigenetics.

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What Is Epigenetics, and Why Is Everyone Talking about It?

It’s not uncommon to read headlines about the “epigenetic revolution” and hear claims that epigenetics overthrows our understanding of evolution. So what exactly is epigenetics? How does it work? And why does it matter?

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Identical Twins Hint at How Environments Change Gene Expression

Studying twins has long offered insight into the interplay of nature and nurture. Epigenetics is the next frontier.

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Genes as Mirrors of Life Experiences

Scientists are turning their focus to an emerging field: epigenetics, the study of how people’s experience and environment affect the function of their genes.

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How Much of a Pull Do Your Genetics Have on Your Weight?

There are many factors at play when it comes to your weight, and genetics is certainly one of them.

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Diet and Nutrition