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100 Years Young - Debunking the Myth of Aging with the Secrets of the Centenarians

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People over the age of 100, or centenarians, make up the fastest-growing segment of the US population. Many live active lives, free from major illness or cognitive difficulty. As Dr. Mario Martinez learned through his study of dozens of centenarians, good genetics and healthy lifestyle are not necessary the formula for wellness and longevity. But if that's the case, what is the secret to thriving well into our 80s, 90s, and longer?

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Want to Live to 100? Dan Buettner Tells You How - Amanpour and Company

Dan Buettner is a National Geographic fellow and founder of The Blue Zones Project, a well-being improvement initiative launched in over 40 cities across the United States.

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The Secrets of Happiness & Longevity: Dan Buettner & Marie Forleo Discuss Blue Zones

Looking for the secret of happiness? Interested in the science of longevity? Dan Buettner is the man to follow.

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Dan Buettner at TEDMED 2011

Buettner talks about universal lifestyle behaviors that promote longevity, why they're so hard to adopt in the U.S., and how one town undertook its own Blue Zone experiment, to great effect.

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Dan Buettner: How to Live to Be 100+

To find the path to long life and health, Dan Buettner and team study the world’s “Blue Zones,” communities whose elders live with vim and vigor to record-setting age. At TEDxTC, he shares the 9 common diet and lifestyle habits that keep them spry past age 100.

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The Blue Zones Solution: Eating and Living Like the World’s Healthiest People

Bestselling author Dan Buettner reveals how to transform your health using smart nutrition, lifestyle, and fitness habits gleaned from longevity research on the diets, eating habits, and lifestyle practices of the communities he's identified as "Blue Zones"—those places with the world's...

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How To Live To 100 - Nine Healthy Habits

Somewhere in the remote Nicoyan peninsula of Costa Rica, a 101-year-old named Panchita is making you look bad. By the time you finish your morning blog rounds, she has already cleared brush, chopped wood and made tortillas from scratch.

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Can Your Community Help You to Live Longer?

New York Times best-selling author Dan Buettner has traveled the globe visiting the places in the world where higher percentages of people enjoy long, full lives, areas dubbed “Blue Zones.

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15 Eating Habits That Make You Live Longer

For more than a decade, I've been working with a team of experts to study hot spots of longevity -- regions we call Blue Zones, where many people live to 100 and beyond.

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Adding This One Simple Food to Your Diet May Help You Live to 100, According to the World’s Longest-living People

A few years ago, I traveled to Okinawa in Japan, Nicoya in Costa Rica, Ikaria in Greece, Loma Linda in California and Sardinia in Italy — all “Blue Zones,” or homes to the longest-lived people — to find out what centenarians ate to live to 100.

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This Japanese 80% Diet Rule Can Help You Live a Longer Life, Says Longevity Researcher

If you want to live to a healthy 100, eat like healthy people who’ve lived to 100. One place to look is Okinawa, Japan, one of the world’s Blue Zones — or exceptional hot spots where people live extraordinarily long, healthy and happy lives.

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