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It isn’t normal to know what we want. It is a rare and difficult psychological achievement.

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Abraham Maslow (1908–1970) was an American psychologist who developed humanistic psychology, a perspective that fundamentally shifted modern psychology away from focusing on the abnormal and the ill to fostering a person’s innate ability to improve their mental health. He is most famous for creating what is now known as “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs,” which lays out a framework for achieving self-actualization, or the full expression of a person’s psychological health and abilities.

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What Does It Mean to Be Self-Actualized in the 21st Century?

Many people are familiar with Maslow's hierarchy of needs, in which he argued that basic needs such as safety, belonging, and self-esteem must be satisfied (to a reasonable healthy degree) before being able to fully realize one's unique creative and humanitarian potential.

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don Miguel Ruiz’s Little Book of Wisdom: The Essential Teachings

Don Miguel Ruiz is the author of The Four Agreements, The Mastery of Love, and numerous other best-selling books. He is also one of the most influential spiritual teachers on the planet, having touched the lives of millions of people around the globe.

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You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life

In this refreshingly entertaining how-to guide, bestselling author and world-traveling success coach, Jen Sincero, serves up 27 bitesized chapters full of hilariously inspiring stories, sage advice, easy exercises, and the occasional swear word, helping you to: Identify and change the...

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Becoming the Person You Were Meant to Be: Where to Start

We begin to find and become ourselves when we notice how we are already found, already truly, entirely, wildly, messily, marvelously who we were born to be.

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Deepak Chopra on Why a Meaningful Life Rests Upon Developing a Meaningful Self

Much like the problematic nature of building a home on a flimsy foundation, so is the challenge of going into the world and creating relationships with neglect for a positive relationship with yourself.

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Martin Luther King, Jr., “What Is Your Life’s Blueprint?”

Rarely seen footage of Martin Luther King, Jr., speaking to students at Barratt Junior High School in Philadelphia on October 26, 1967, where he delivered his speech “What Is Your Life’s Blueprint?”

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