
TKV Desikachar

Tirumalai Krishnamacharya Venkata Desikachar (1938–2016), who often used the initials TKV, was an India-born author and yoga pioneer best known for viniyoga, a self-empowering approach tailored to a student’s emotional state, physical condition, cultural background, age, and interests. As the son of Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, the father of modern yoga, TKV was devoted to his father’s teachings and later founded the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, a yoga center in Madras, India.

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The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice

In The Heart of Yoga, Desikachar offers "a program for the spine at every level — physical, mental, and spiritual." This is the first yoga text to outline a step-by-step sequence for developing a complete practice according to the age-old principles of yoga.

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In Conversation - T.K.V. Desikachar

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Conversation with TKV Desikachar (1995)

Master yoga teacher TKV Desikachar (1938-2016) answers questions about yoga.

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Health, Healing, and Beyond

The much-sought-after, greatly beloved exploration of the work of Krishnamacharya, teacher of many of twentieth-century yoga's greatest and most influential exponents, Health, Healing, and Beyond is filled with deep wisdom—an indispensable guide to the philosophy, principles, and limitless...

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Poses and Postures

T.K.V. Desikachar on teaching yoga to J. Krishnamurti, popularising the discipline and making the city of Chennai his own

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The Yoga Rahasya of Nathamuni

Sri Nathamuni, widely regarded as the first among the Srivaisava Acarya-s, lived in the ninth century AD, and is best known for his revival of the Drevide-vede-s, also known as the Nalayira-divya-prabandham.

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T.K.V. Desikachar Developed Viniyoga to Fit Each Individual Student

Immersed in the yoga tradition by his father Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, T.K.V. Desikachar went on to develop Viniyoga, an approach that tailors the practice to each students unique condition.

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