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Barbara Marx Hubbard: Conscious Evolution (Excerpt) — a Thinking Allowed DVD W/ Jeffrey Mishlove

By Barbara Marx Hubbard — 2010

A leading visionary thinker, Barbara Marx Hubbard suggests that we are in a unique evolutionary phase in which the universe is coming to understand itself through the vehicle of human consciousness. See more...

07:35 min


Quantum Physics & Consciousness, 3 of 3

Amit Goswami, Ph.D, on Quantum Physics & Consciousness—Why do we all feel separate.

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Amit Goswami on Quantum Physics, Consciousness, and Health

Amit Goswami is a professor of theoretical nuclear physics (retired) at the University of Oregon, where he served since 1968. He has proposed a new paradigm of science called "science within consciousness," an idea explicated in his book, "The Self-Aware Universe.

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Amit Goswami: Quantum Physics & Consciousness, Part 1 of 3

Amit Goswami, Ph.D ON Quantum Physics & Consciousness, Why do we all feel separate.

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Sacred Acoustics with Eben Alexander, MD, & Karen Newell

We discuss binaural beats and how they can help us with awakening and expanding our consciousness. Also, talk about NDE’s and how we can have the same experience with meditation as well as binaural beats.

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Vail Symposium - the Energy Codes with Dr. Sue Morter

Everything is energy, including you. Quantum science is showing us, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that everything in our world– including our thoughts, feelings and beliefs– is energy held in different patterns.

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How to Build Energy Circuits in Your Body - Dr. Sue Morter

Your ability to manifest and be masterful at your life depends on how well the two systems that run your body are functioning. In this video, Dr. Sue explains how the nervous system and Electromagnetic Systems run your body, and how to master them by building more energetic circuits. Dr.

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The Science That Will Change Your Future | Dr. Bruce Lipton

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Conscious Evolution