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Michael Pollan: Magic Mushrooms and LSD Could Help Solve Mental Health Crisis | ITV News

By Michael Pollan — 2018

Could psychedelics cure an anxious mind? Author and journalist Michael Pollan thinks so. He spoke to ITV News Science Editor Tom Clarke about his bestseller ‘How to Change Your Mind: The New Science of Psychedelics’.

34:17 min


Hofmann’s Potion—Albert Hofmann LSD Documentary

By the mid-1950s, LSD research was being published in medical and academic journals all over the world. It showed potential benefits in the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, and other mental illnesses. This film explores those potential benefits, and the researchers who explored them.

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Robin Carhart-Harris: Brain Imaging Studies with Psilocybin and MDMA

Abstract: Highlighting the results of two fMRI studies and one MEG study with psilocybin and an fMRI study with MDMA, Carhart-Harris will report the effects of both drugs on regional brain activity and brain network organization.

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Paul Stamets: Psilocybin Mushrooms & The Mycology of Consciousness

Paul Stamets Psilocybin Mushrooms and The Mycology of Consciousness

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The Treasure Called the Psilocybes: Paul Stamets

In the second half of an extended talk at SAND 18, Paul Stamets, author, mycologist, medical researcher and entrepreneur, tells stories of the early years of research into psychoactive mushrooms, and describes a number of species and their characteristics, in particular psilocybes.

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The Importance of the Psychedelic Experience During Ketamine Infusions

Part of the way healing occurs during the ketamine infusion is due to the non-ordinary (psychedelic) experience. In this non-ordinary state, the unconscious mind is accessed and allows processing of unresolved emotions and traumatic events.

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The Rise and Rise of Psychedelics | High Society

The UK is experiencing a psychedelic renaissance.

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Ayahuasca DMT Trip Simulation (Pov) | What Ayahuasca “Looks” Like

Ayahuasca is a DMT/MAOI Amazonian brew that is used by shamans to connect with higher planes of existence, and to heal people.

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Christopher Timmermann—the Neurophenomenology of the DMT State

The Neurophenomenology of the DMT State, presented by Christopher Timmermann from Imperial College London, UK

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Ayahuasca Part 3: After the Ceremony

In Part 3 of my series on Ayahuasca, you'll learn how to navigate the post-Ayahuasca period, known by shamans as the "integration phase".

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Ayahuasca | Full Documentary from Aubrey Marcus & Mitch Schultz

This documentary follows Aubrey Marcus and company through a powerful Ayahuasca ceremony at Spiritquest Sanctuary in Peru. Under the guidance of Don Howard and his team of ayahuasca shamans, Aubrey and his tribe experience deeply vulnerable transformational experiences.

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Psychedelic Journey