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See How this Single Question Saved a Marriage

By Sharon Strand Ellison — 2013

This story is about a situation where Todd, a husband, almost left his wife and kids, and the wife found a way to ask one non-defensive question that led to a conversation that saved the marriage.

03:26 min


Parents Argue Over Popular Daughter Who Is Rude at Home

This story is about a mom and a step-dad who had argued a lot over a teenage daughter who was rude and home and unwilling to do her part. The step-dad shifted to using a non-defensive statement and got very different results.

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Stop Bickering. It's Killing Your Relationship - Esther Perel

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Fight Smarter: Avoid the Most Common Argument Patterns - Esther Perel

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ADHD & Relationship—Secrets to a Happy ADHD Relationship

Relationships in which one or both partners have ADHD can range from being successful to catastrophic. Having ADHD in a relationship can be the causing factor of plenty frustrations, miscommunications, resentments and a large cause in divorces of marriages.

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5 Asperger's Dating Tips to Help YOU! (Are You Making These Mistakes?)

In this video I’m out lining Asperger’s dating tips and Asperger’s dating problems to help you with your dating needs. Having Asperger’s syndrome myself I have been through all of these issues that would probably occur from a long-term relationship with somebody with autism.

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Autistic Relationships: 10 Tips for Neurotypical Partners in Neurodiverse Relationships

Being in a neurodiverse relationship can be extra challenging! In this video, Tay (neurodiverse) and her husband Scott (neurotypical) share 10 Tips for Neurotypical Partners in Neurodiverse Relationships.

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ADHD and Autism Relationship Accommodations -- How to Get Your Needs Met

We all have needs. We all need our relationships to help meet those needs. So...what if it can't? This is where relationship accommodations come in.

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Art + Activism = Artivism: Art can Dismantle Hate

A short documentary discussing how art forms within activism can dismantle hate and create changes in the society we live in.

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Harassment in the Workplace

This story is about a young woman who was being sexually harassed by her supervisor and was able to ask a question that prompted the supervisor to completely shift his behavior.

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How Can Simple Curious Questions Have Such Disarming Power?

We are used to asking questions in ways that convey judgment and/or are interrogating or entrapping. Much of the body language and tone we use is unconscious. To be real, a question needs to be based on pure curiosity, but it's easier said than done.

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Communication Skills