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The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working: Tony Schwartz at TEDxMidwest


Time is finite. Tony Schwarz debunks the myth that “We are meant to run like computers; at high speeds for long periods of time.” He eloquently outlines how the reality of renewing our personal energy is just as important as expending it. See more...

17:55 min


Cancer and Finances—Linda’s Story

Financial hardship often accompanies a cancer diagnosis. Linda shares her experiences and insights about managing questions with employment and finances that often accompany a cancer diagnosis.

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Living with Gynaecological Cancer Part 1.3—Relationships—Family and Friends

People react differently when someone they are close to is diagnosed with cancer. We find that most are very supportive but some people just don't know how to cope and don't know what to say.

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Psychologist Jessica Hamilton Discusses Divorce after Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Dr. Jessica Hamilton, a psychologist, explains why divorce sometimes happens after a breast cancer diagnosis, how that person can respond and how friends can help.

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Cancer and Relationships

For adults who have been diagnosed and treated for any type of cancer, this video includes information on how cancer survivors can improve their wellness and quality of life in six areas of wellness: physical, emotional, social, spiritual, thinking (cognitive) and work.

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Cancer Basics: Managing Fatigue

Fatigue is the most common side effect of cancer treatment. For some people, it’s also the most frustrating. This video explains what it is and suggests ways to manage it. Learn more at

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Managing Cancer Fatigue Syndrome

Physical therapist Annelise Savodnik describes symptoms of cancer fatigue syndrome and offers strategies to cope with the condition.

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Coping with Fatigue after Cancer Treatment—Ruth’s Story

Ruth had chemotherapy, surgery and proton therapy for Ewing’s sarcoma. She shares practical tips for coping with fatigue after cancer treatment. Ruth talks about: changing your exercise routine, getting reasonable adjustments at work, and being upfront about your limitations.

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9 Ways to Manage Your Cancer Fatigue

It's important to stay active during treatment, even when you don't feel like it. See 9 tactics you can try today to keep your energy high.

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Workplace Challenges after a Cancer Diagnosis

Courtland sits down with Maimah Karmo, founder of the Tigerlily Foundation, at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. In this interview, they discuss the challenges that occur in the workplace after a cancer diagnosis and what an employer can do to help.

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Cancer and Work—Working after a Cancer Diagnosis

Sherri shares her story of returning to work after a cancer diagnosis

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Managing Energy