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Autism and Neurodiversity: Different Does Not Mean Broken | Adriana White | TEDxPaloAltoCollege


In this talk, Adriana discusses the idea of neurodiversity. Many people are labeled incorrectly because their brains are wired differently. Adriana offers awareness and an alternative way to see people as unique and valuable, regardless of their near-diversity. See more...

09:58 min


Succeeding in College with Asperger’s Syndrome, with Harry Lowe | EDB 53

In this episode, Hackie Reitman interviews Harry Lowe, student with Asperger’s at Metropolitan State University of Denver. Lowe discusses growing up with Asperger’s, his experience in school, and the importance of support systems for the neurodiverse.

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Parents Argue Over Popular Daughter Who Is Rude at Home

This story is about a mom and a step-dad who had argued a lot over a teenage daughter who was rude and home and unwilling to do her part. The step-dad shifted to using a non-defensive statement and got very different results.

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See How this Single Question Saved a Marriage

This story is about a situation where Todd, a husband, almost left his wife and kids, and the wife found a way to ask one non-defensive question that led to a conversation that saved the marriage.

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What Is Gaslighting? How to Avoid Mental Manipulation and Emotional Abuse with Terri Cole

What Is Gaslighting? How to Avoid Mental Manipulation and Emotional Abuse - Terri Cole If this video describes your situation, please don’t give up. The first step is to understand that it’s happening.

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How to Deal with Passive-Aggressive Behavior

People in your life can make you feel bad or wrong by saying one thing to you and meaning something else. You can avoid falling into their traps.

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Educating Students Who Have Different Kinds of Minds - Temple Grandin

Temple Grandin gives the Sunday keynote for the American Academy of Arts and Sciences' Induction weekend on "Educating Students Who Have Different Kinds of Minds.

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The Autistic Brain: Thinking Across the Spectrum | Dr. Temple Grandin | Talks at Google

Weaving her own experience with remarkable new discoveries, Grandin introduces the neuroimaging advances and genetic research that link brain science to behavior, even sharing her own brain scan to show us which anomalies might explain common symptoms.

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The World Needs All Kinds of Minds | Temple Grandin

Autism activist Temple Grandin talks about how her mind works -- sharing her ability to "think in pictures," which helps her solve problems that neurotypical brains might miss.

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How to Complain Without Hurting Your Partner | Dr. Julie Gottman | Relationship Advice

Want communications in your relationship to be more effective? Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman explains the best (and worst) ways to talk to your mate about your wishes and needs.

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Diffusing Difficult Conversations with Love | Dr. Julie Gottman

You've approached your partner in a gentle manner, to bring up an issue you want to discuss (called a "softened startup"). What if you get negative response? Listen to Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman explain how to work around this.

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