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How to Achieve Your Dreams (And Keep Going When It’s Hard!)

By Brendon Burchard — 2016

It takes a lot of work to achieve your dreams, but what do you do when the struggle gets too hard? Here are four strategies to keep you on path.

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The Emotion Missing From the Workplace

Sadness is a central part of our lives, yet it’s typically ignored at work, hurting employees and managers alike.

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Emotion Coaching: Helping Kids Cope with Negative Feelings

Emotion coaching is the practice of talking with children about their feelings, and offering kids strategies for coping with emotionally difficult situations. The goal is to empathize, reassure, and teach. Does it make a difference? Yes.

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10 Life Lessons You Should Unlearn

In the past 10 years, I've realized that our culture is rife with ideas that actually inhibit joy. Here are some of the things I'm most grateful to have unlearned:

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An Introduction to Rest

Some people harbor the illusion that rest is a luxury they do not have time for, but the reality is that rest is a necessity.

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7 Common Traits of Self-Transcended People

Maslow’s highest level on the hierarchy of needs.

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7 Ways of Unpacking Fears of Leaving a Job and Striking Out on Your Own

Many of us have thought of or dreamed about leaving that job to pursue our dreams, maybe start a business, or pursue our passion. While there are practical issues to consider, we also need to overcome the inertia that comes with the fear we experience when taking a major new direction in our lives.

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Feeling Weighed Down by Regret? What Helps Me Let Go

If we can process our regrets with tenderness and compassion, we can use these hard memories as a part of our wisdom bank.

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Here’s How to Channel Your Fear and Uncertainty Into a Life of Purpose and Hope

“When we are interconnected, when one of us heals, we all heal.”

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Why I Love Pandemic of Love

A testament to the power of giving and human connection.

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The Power of Sustainable Self-Care

Shelly Tygielski explores how consistently showing up for yourself first lays the foundation for our life’s purpose—showing up for others—and how to create your own self-care practice.

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