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It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them. . . . There are quicksands all about you, sucking at your feet, trying to suck you down into fear and self-pity and despair. That’s why you must walk so lightly.

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Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894–1963) was an English philosopher, intellectual, and writer of Brave New World and nearly fifty other books. His work was chiefly concerned with exploring the repercussions of modern society on the individual, with special interest in the effects of science and technology on twentieth-century life; he also became very interested in both Eastern and Western mysticism, as well as the use of psychedelics for their mind-expanding properties.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageTrauma is not what happens to us, but what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness.

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FindCenter Quotes Image. . . it is almost always the case that whatever has wounded you will also be instrumental in your healing.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageWe must not confuse letting go of past injuries with feeling an obligation to let the injurers back into our life. The freedom of forgiveness often includes a firm boundary and loving distance from those who have harmed us.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageTrauma has become so commonplace that most people don’t even recognize its presence. It affects everyone. Each of us has had a traumatic experience at some point in our lives, regardless of whether it left us with an obvious case of post-traumatic stress.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageI have come to the conclusion that human beings are born with an innate capacity to triumph over trauma. I believe not only that trauma is curable, but that the healing process can be a catalyst for profound awakening—a portal opening to emotional and genuine spiritual transformation.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageAlthough humans rarely die from trauma, if we do not resolve it, our lives can be severely diminished by its effects. Some people have even described this situation as a ‘living death.’

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FindCenter Quotes ImageTrauma is hell on earth. Trauma resolved is a gift from the gods.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageI thought I could describe a state; make a map of sorrow. Sorrow, however, turns out to be not a state but a process.

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