
Daisy Khan on islamophobia

Below are the best resources we could find featuring daisy khan about islamophobia.

Daisy Khan
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Daisy Khan, the “Ground Zero Mosque”—and 700 Million Muslim Women

She explained how, after 9/11, she felt a special responsibility to speak up for the vast majority of Muslims who embrace democracy and human rights, and to address the vexed issues of violence, status of women, leadership, and democracy within Islam. - Jesse Larner

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Daisy Khan, Sr. Joan Chittister Talk Women in Leadership from Interfaith Perspectives

Because leaders are not ordained in Islam but rather chosen by the community, Khan said, there have been many Muslim women leaders in history. - Jason Mast

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Daisy Khan

Interview with leading American Muslim activist Daisy Khan, who is co-founder of the American Society for Muslim Advancement, and driving force behind the proposed Islamic cultural centre near Ground Zero in New York.

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Daisy Khan

Daisy Khan, Founder and Executive Director of the Women's Islamic Initiative in Spirituality and Equality (WISE), speaks on the truths of Islam, the origin of ISIS, and how to fight extremist views held by terrorist groups.

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2014 Conference of the Americas - Breakout Session - Daisy Khan

Muslim women leaders at the frontlines of change

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