
The term “Islamophobia” was first introduced as a concept in the early 1990s as “unfounded hostility toward Muslims, and therefore fear or dislike of all or most Muslims.” This contrived prejudice maintains the idea that Muslim communities and individuals pose a threat, that they are violent and support terrorism, that they cannot adapt to modern ways, and are therefore inferior, and that Islam does not share common values with the rest of the world. Such disinformation creates fear, confusion and polarization that creates great difficulty for the lives of many.

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How It Feels To Be A Muslim American Military Veteran

Soldiers who identify as Muslim have fought in every major US conflict since the Revolutionary War.

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American Islamophobia: Understanding the Roots and Rise of Fear

“I remember the four words that repeatedly scrolled across my mind after the first plane crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City. ‘Please don’t be Muslims, please don’t be Muslims.

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Muslim Ban: Japanese and Muslim Americans Join Forces

Japanese Americans remember discrimination they endured during WWII and say they will defend Muslim Americans.

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Stand Together: Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum Speaks Out Against Islamophobia

Rabbis for Human Rights-North America encourages rabbis and lay Jewish activists to STAND TOGETHER with their Muslim neighbors and friends, and speak out against anti-Muslim bigotry. In this video, Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum explains why Islamophobia is against Jewish values.

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Go Back to Where You Came From: And Other Helpful Recommendations on How to Become American

“Go back to where you came from, you terrorist!” This is just one of the many warm, lovely, and helpful tips that Wajahat Ali and other children of immigrants receive on a daily basis.

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Eight Ways That Islamophobia Operates in Everyday Life

Immigration and national identity currently are at the forefront of the public conscience. In France, the burkini ban and in the UK proposals for migration controls following the Brexit vote are dividing communities.

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An Inability to Tolerate Islam Contradicts Western Values

Free speech is now the rallying cry of escalating tensions, but we can also use it to expose double standards on both sides

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Muslim Separatists and the Idea of an “Islamic” State

I have contended for at least two decades that people use the word “Islam” anyway they want to make any point they want.

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We Cannot Afford to Maintain These Ancient Prejudices Against Islam

The Pope's remarks were dangerous, and will convince many more Muslims that the west is incurably Islamophobic

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Daisy Khan, the “Ground Zero Mosque”—and 700 Million Muslim Women

She explained how, after 9/11, she felt a special responsibility to speak up for the vast majority of Muslims who embrace democracy and human rights, and to address the vexed issues of violence, status of women, leadership, and democracy within Islam. - Jesse Larner

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