Elise Dirlam Ching is an American registered nurse who specializes in hypnotherapy and massage. She writes books on qigong and does mask art with her husband, Kaleo Ching.
Our deepest healing occurs when our physical, mental, emotional, energetic, subconscious, and spiritual selves are affected. In Emotional Harmony Qigong, color, sounds, smells, intention, and movement cleanse your body of excessive harmful emotions and nourish it with positive ones.
Tapping the tremendous healing power of qigong and the expressive arts, this beautiful book invites the reader to contemplate the continuum of living, dying, and renewal within this life and beyond.
Qigong Sun Meditation is an ancient Taoist practice that brings sunlight into your mind center, where reside the pituitary, pineal, and hypothalamus glands. It stimulates production of serotonin, the “happy hormone,” and conversion of serotonin to melatonin at night for restful sleep.
Tiger's Breath Chi Kung harvests Cosmic Chi (life force), deepens your inner wisdom, and promotes harmony on physical, energetic, psychological, and spiritual levels. It engages the body's physiologic and organ-meridian systems, boosts the immune system, and promotes strength and flexibility.
Maskmaking instructions in "Faces of Your Soul" by Elise & Kaleo Ching, North Atlantic Books, 2006.
In Faces of Your Soul, Elise Dirlam Ching and Kaleo Ching combine art and archetypes, meditation and acupressure, guided imagery, journaling, and many different creative processes in a collage of healing knowledge and wisdom.