Gender Identity

Gender is a facet of personal identity that corresponds with a set of expectations a society usually places on the biological sexes. The predominant gender identities expected in the Western world are male and female, and they are usually assumed to align with biological sex. Those whose gender identities align with their biological sex are cisgender, and those whose do not can identify as transgender (identifying as having a different gender than their biological sex), agender (having no gender identity at all), nonbinary (identifying as neither exclusively male nor exclusively female, or as a gender that is neither male nor female), or gender-fluid (not having a fixed gender identity). Discovering and becoming comfortable with your gender identity can be a difficult and painful experience, even for cisgender people who differ too far from the allowed or expected behaviors for their gender within their immediate community.

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Black Trans Female Empowerment—Mila Jam—TEDxPrincetonWomen

Lessons in radical self love & unapologetic existence for women: black, Trans, femme and beyond. A path to owning your identity, purpose and presence.

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The Conscious Parent’s Guide to Gender Identity: A Mindful Approach to Embracing Your Child’s Authentic Self

Conscious parenting means being present with your children and taking the time to understand their point of view, especially when it comes to supporting their exploration of gender identity. Using this mindful method, you can support and guide your children as they discover their authentic selves.

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Young Trans Children Know Who They Are

A new study shows that gender-nonconforming kids who go on to transition already have a strong sense of their true identity—one that differs from their assigned gender.

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Transgender Track Stars Speak Out as Critics Allege Unfair Advantage

Terry Miller and Andraya Yearwood have faced backlash in their Connecticut community for their track and field accomplishments.

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Pink Brain, Blue Brain: How Small Differences Grow Into Troublesome Gaps—and What We Can Do About It

In the past decade, we’ve come to accept certain ideas about the differences between males and females—that boys can’t focus in a classroom, for instance, and that girls are obsessed with relationships. In Pink Brain, Blue Brain, neuroscientist Lise Eliot turns that thinking on its head.

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Beyond They/Them: What Are Neopronouns?

Xe/xem, ze/zir, and fae/faer are catching on as alternatives for transgender and nonbinary people

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Why Gender Pronouns Matter

“My pronouns are they/them/theirs, and that’s a non-negotiable...they’re so important because they are the smallest and easiest way that you can acknowledge somebody’s identity.” Trans students explain why pronouns are so important.

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Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference

It’s the twenty-first century, and although we tried to rear unisex children―boys who play with dolls and girls who like trucks―we failed. Even though the glass ceiling is cracked, most women stay comfortably beneath it.

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What Are Some Different Types of Gender Identity?

Gender is different than sex. Although genetic factors typically define a person’s sex, gender refers to how they identify on the inside. Only the person themselves can determine what their gender identity is.

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Every Sex and Gender Term Explained

When discussing hotly debated topics such as gender identity and the like, it pays to be well versed in the language and glossary terms so you can sound like you know what you're talking about. Let Trace break down some need to know terms for you.

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