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You Don’t Have to Be Special to Be Lovable

By Noah Elkrief — 2020

So many of us believe we have to be special to lovable and worthy. But what if you deserved just as much love regardless of how good you are at anything?

15:55 min

Michael Phelps: ‘I Can’t See Any More Suicides’

In the documentary “The Weight of Gold,” Phelps presents a stark picture of the mental wear and tear Olympians endure.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageForgiveness is not just a selfish pursuit of personal satisfaction or righteousness. It actually alleviates the amount of suffering in the world.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageAvoidance will make you feel less vulnerable in the short run, but it will never make you less afraid.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageIf you love deeply, you’re going to get hurt badly. But it’s still worth it.

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Why Do So Many People Respond Negatively to Being Loved?

Love is not only difficult to find, but is even more challenging for many people to accept and tolerate.

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Why Can’t I Let Love In?

In the early months of every intimate relationship, the new partners of people-who-can’t-take-love-in feel they have scored a great person, someone who gives easily but doesn’t seem to require much in return.

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Daring to Love: Move Beyond Fear of Intimacy, Embrace Vulnerability, and Create Lasting Connection

When it comes to finding love, are you standing in your own way? Daring to Love will help you identify the internal barriers that cause you to sabotage your love life, open yourself up to vulnerability, and build the intimate, lasting relationship you truly desire.

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Radical Belonging: How to Survive and Thrive in an Unjust World (While Transforming It for the Better)

Being “othered” and the body shame it spurs is not “just” a feeling.

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Are You Withholding Love?

There are two very common ways that people keep love at bay. They can either not ever let love in so that the walls around their hearts remain impenetrable, or they can withhold the love they do feel inside so that their partners cannot get access to it.

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The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression

The Noonday Demon examines depression in personal, cultural, and scientific terms.

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Accepting Love