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NBC News—Muhammad Ali on Not Going to War

By Muhammad Ali — 2012

Muhammad Ali addresses students about his decision to refuse induction into the United States armed forces.

06:48 min


Jeff Foster: “If Only We Were Taught to See Everything Within Us as Divine”

Jeff Foster explains the violence of not accepting ourselves and turning against ourselves. He gives the example if a chair that is simply present and full of love for the person sitting on it.

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Lodro Rinzler—How to Love Yourself (and Sometimes Other People)

Most of us think that love is something out there—something to be attained—yet the Buddha taught that underneath our layers of self-doubt and criticism is peace and love within each of us.

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Acharya Ferguson—Wisdom of the Heart

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It’s Not About Love After All | angel Kyodo williams | TEDxWashingtonSquare

Rev. angel Kyodo williams notes, “Love and Justice are not two. Without inner change, there can be no outer change. Without collective change, no change matters.”

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