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What Is Inflammation? Everything You Need to Know and How to Reduce It

By Mara Santilli — 2021

You may not be able to see it happening, but inflammation is the body’s interior defense mechanism toward anything going wrong, like illness or injury—it occurs with anything from a bruised elbow to an aggravated gut barrier. The catch? Inflammation can be both good and bad.

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Science Explains How the Iceman Resists Extreme Cold

Finland’s Arctic circle might not seem like a great place to run a marathon barefoot and in shorts—unless you’re Wim Hof. Hof, better known as "The Iceman," has attained roughly two dozen world records by completing marvellous feats of physical endurance in conditions that would kill others.

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The Power of the Relaxation Response

A behavioral medicine pioneer reports on a time-tested technique that reverses aging and improves health.

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5 Things You Can Do to Help Reverse Your Autoimmune Disease That Your Doctor Isn't Telling You

Dr. Amy Myers has found that by addressing five common environmental and lifestyle factors we can help restore the balance of your immune system and often reverse your autoimmune disease.

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Heal the Mind, Access Through the Body

Mind body connection. Terms we throw around a lot but lets break it down. We hold all our mind’s thoughts in our body. Our body’s experiences of tension and relaxation are influenced by these thoughts.

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Meditation, Not Meds

Herbert Benson is the father of modern mind-body medicine. From the late 1960s onward, his breakthrough research has demonstrated that the “relaxation response,” which can be elicited through a variety of methods—including meditation—is a natural antidote to stress.

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Mind-Body Synergy

Whether you seek lower blood pressure, a longer silhouette, or a more peaceful response to life’s pressures, disciplined practices like yoga, tai chi and Pilates offer a host of transformative benefits.

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Stress Management: Know Your Triggers

Your response to the demands of the world determines your stress level. Take time to consider common stressors and how they affect you.

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Stress: A Badge of Honor or a Code Word for Fear?

According to the Center for Disease Control, 80% of visits to the doctor are believed to be stress-related. Yet what is “stress” if not fear, anxiety, and worry dressed up in more socially acceptable clothing?

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TV Host Michelle Harris on How She Used These Methods to Get Her Anxiety Under Control

I began having anxiety attacks in high school. The scariest part was that I really didn’t know what they were at first. Because of my personality, which is more Type-A organized, it would have been easy to allow them to take over my life and become debilitating.

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The Link Between Stress and Depression … and the 10 Simple Words That Could Help

Neurological insights into how the brain processes stress, and how it can develop into depression, have led to new interventions.

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