Autoimmune Disease

The body’s immune system is a formidable network that helps us fight off viruses, bacteria, and infection. Unfortunately, it can make mistakes that have long-lasting impacts. Autoimmune diseases are abnormal immune responses in which the immune cells begin to attack healthy cells in the body. While the direct causes for most autoimmune diseases are not known, there are several risk factors, including genetics and smoking, that can predispose someone toward developing such a condition. Many autoimmune conditions are “invisible disabilities,” meaning that you can appear healthy to others, who may unknowingly hold expectations around mobility, social interactions, or availability that are difficult to live up to. However, learning to live with compassion for a body that seems like it’s betrayed you is often the first step in living vibrantly with an autoimmune condition.

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How to Overcome Autoimmune Disease

In this video, I outline the steps you can take to help overcome an autoimmune disease, such as taking the right supplements, using essential oils, removing inflammatory foods from your diet, consuming foods that help heal your cells and tissues and incorporating stress-reducing techniques into...

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When the Body Says No: Understanding the Stress-Disease Connection

Can a person literally die of loneliness? Is there a connection between inhibited emotion and Alzheimer's disease? Is there a “cancer personality”? Questions such as these are emerging as scientific findings throw new light on the controversy that surrounds the mind-body connection in illness...

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Autoimmune Disease and Stress: Is There a Link?

A new study has found a higher incidence of autoimmune diseases among people who were previously diagnosed with stress-related disorders.

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Healing Autoimmune Diseases with Dr. Brooke Goldner | Switch4Good Podcast Ep 66

This episode is for anyone who struggles (or knows someone who is struggling) with a health issue doctors say they can’t cure, only manage. The message is eye-opening, inspiring, and attainable.

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Gut and Physiology Syndrome: Natural Treatment for Allergies, Autoimmune Illness, Arthritis, Gut Problems, Fatigue, Hormonal Problems, Neurological Disease and More

Since the publication of the first GAPS book, Gut and Psychology Syndrome, in 2004, the GAPS concept has become a global phenomenon. People all over the world have been using the GAPS Nutritional Protocol for healing from physical and mental illnesses.

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8 Things Terry Wahls, MD, Swears By For Reversing Autoimmune Disease

If you're interested in an integrative approach to combat a chronic condition, you might want to give these eight tips a try.

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What Lifestyle Changes Will Help Your Autoimmune Condition?

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The Autoimmune Fix: How to Stop the Hidden Autoimmune Damage That Keeps You Sick, Fat, and Tired Before It Turns Into Disease

Do you have crud in the blood? Millions of people suffer from autoimmunity whether they know it or not. The root cause of most weight gain, brain and mood problems, and fatigue, autoimmunity can take years—or even decades—for symptoms and a clear diagnosis to arise. Through years of research, Dr.

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Treatment Options for Autoimmune Disease

With the advance in translational research, it is now possible to treat people with autoimmune disorders via targeted and personalized medicines.

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10 Steps to Reverse Autoimmune Disease

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Chronic Health Conditions