Social Justice by martin luther king jr

Below are the best resources we could find on Social Justice featuring martin luther king jr.

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I Have a Dream: Writings and Speeches that Changed the World (Special 75th Anniversary Edition)

“His life informed us, his dreams sustain us yet.”* On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. stood in front of the Lincoln Memorial looking out over thousands of troubled Americans who had gathered in the name of civil rights and uttered his now famous words, “I have a dream . . .

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MLK Talks ‘New Phase’ of Civil Rights Struggle, 11 Months Before His Assassination | NBC News

In 1967, at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, Martin Luther King spoke with NBC News’ Sander Vanocur about the “new phase” of the struggle for “genuine equality.”

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The Measure of a Man

In August 1958 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., preached two sermons—"What is Man?" and "The Dimensions of a Complete Life"—at the first National Conference on Christian Education of the United Church of Christ at Purdue University.

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FindCenterOur lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

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Traci Blackmon: If These Walls Could Talk

The Rev. Traci Blackmon, Associate General Minister of Justice and Local Church Ministries United Church of Christ, marks the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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James Cone and Taylor Branch on MLK’s Fight for Economic Equality

Theologian James Cone and Pulitzer Prize–winning historian Taylor Branch join Bill to discuss Dr. Martin Luther King’s vision of economic justice in addition to racial equality, and why so little has changed for America’s most oppressed.

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Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story

MLK’s classic account of the first successful large-scale act of nonviolent resistance in America: the Montgomery bus boycott. A young Dr. King wrote Stride Toward Freedom just 2 years after the successful completion of the boycott.

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FindCenterInjustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

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Teaching and Learning About Martin Luther King Jr. with the New York Times

How do you celebrate and teach the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., both on the holiday that celebrates his birth, and all year long?

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The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.

He was a husband, a father, a preacher—and the preeminent leader of a movement that continues to transform America and the world. Martin Luther King, Jr., was one of the twentieth century’s most influential men and lived one of its most extraordinary lives.

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