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Paulo Coelho’s Top 10 Rules for Success

By Paulo Coelho — 2016

He’s a Brazilian lyricist and novelist. His novel The Alchemist has been translated into 80 languages. He has sold over 200 million copies worldwide and is the all-time bestselling Portuguese language author. He’s Paulo Coelho and here are his Top 10 Rules for Success.

16:17 min


Matt Cutts: Try Something New for 30 Days

Is there something you’ve always meant to do, wanted to do, but just ... haven’t? Matt Cutts suggests: Try it for 30 days. This short, lighthearted talk offers a neat way to think about setting and achieving goals.

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Pre Writing Rituals For Entering Flow State ft. Steven Kotler

These are the pre-writing rituals NY Times Best Selling Author and Flow State expert Steven Kotler does to enter flow state when writing. He's written 12 books, nine of which were NY Times Best sellers, he knows what he's talking about.

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5 Focus & Productivity Hacks for Musicians | How to Do More in Less Time

Do you ever go into the studio to write music, really motivated and ready to achieve a lot, but then come out with pretty much nothing to show for it? Do you find yourself getting distracted and scattered, not making any progress? Your ability to focus is one of the most important aspects of...

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The Two Minute Morning Rule For Having A Great Day with Neil Pasricha

Life gets busy… fast. Have you ever found yourself with so many browser tabs open you can’t see the titles anymore? Or felt anxious about your jammed schedule for tomorrow because you have no time to focus on what matters? That was a freeze frame capture of me every day for the past few years.

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Jack Canfield: Law of Attraction Technique to Become Wealthy

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My Personal Vision Board | Jack Canfield

A vision board can help you create the life you want and give you the motivation and inspiration you need to achieve your goals. In this video, I'll share how to make a vision board and how it has helped me fulfill my life goals.

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How to Create a Vision Board | Jack Canfield

Creating a vision board is one of the most valuable visualization tools available to you. Our minds respond strongly to visual stimulation, so by representing your goals with pictures and images, you will actually strengthen and stimulate your emotions.

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Increase Your Willpower with These 10 Scientific Strategies

What is willpower? It's a potent combination of courage, mental stamina and determination. Willpower is what gets us through. People with high willpower are driven to success, get more done, achieve greater success and their abilities stand out from the crowd.

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The 21 Day Mental Diet | Brian Tracy

The best habit you can develop is to start every day in a thoughtful, productive way that sets you up for greater success in the hours ahead.

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How to Deal with Anxiety—Immediate Anxiety Relief

This video will give you a tactic for how to deal with anxiety that brings immediate results. It's for anxiety relief in any situation. This video is for people that are really having a hard time dealing with anxiety.

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Creative Well-Being