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Paulo Coelho’s Top 10 Rules for Success

By Paulo Coelho — 2016

He’s a Brazilian lyricist and novelist. His novel The Alchemist has been translated into 80 languages. He has sold over 200 million copies worldwide and is the all-time bestselling Portuguese language author. He’s Paulo Coelho and here are his Top 10 Rules for Success.

16:17 min


John Perry Talks to Leonard Lopate About Procrastination

Put off the essay, forget your laundry, and stop puttering around your apartment for no reason. Come to the Strand, and hear Professor John Perry talk about his book, The Art of Procrastination, a smart, offbeat look at how putting things off can mean getting things done.

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How Simple Systems Can Unlock Your Writing Productivity, Interview with Kari Roberts

It's so hard to find time to do all the things a writer is supposed to do these days. If only we had a way to simple way to make space for creativity—if only we could be more productive as writers.

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10 Lessons to Boost Your Productivity from a Writing Coach

Working with thousands of writers over the years we've found out there's some advice that really works. Watch the video for our greatest hits.

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5 Focus & Productivity Hacks for Musicians | How to Do More in Less Time

Do you ever go into the studio to write music, really motivated and ready to achieve a lot, but then come out with pretty much nothing to show for it? Do you find yourself getting distracted and scattered, not making any progress? Your ability to focus is one of the most important aspects of...

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Daily Routine of Successful Artists—Asking Pros

What’s a professional artist’s daily routine look like? And what should students be doing to improve their skills faster?

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How to Avoid Burnout as a Freelance Creative

Experiencing burnout as a freelance creative is inevitable at some point—but it can be avoided. Here are some things you can practice to avoid burnout and ensure a healthy work-life balance.

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How to Read a Book a Day to Change Your Life

I like big books and I cannot lie! Do you want to read more? May be you have a long list of books you want to get through. I've developed a system that allows me to read 1 book a day! I want to share it with you in this video!

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How Burnout Makes Us Less Creative | The Way We Work, a TED Series

Our obsession with productivity - to-do lists, life hacks, morning routines - is making us less productive, says digital anthropologist Rahaf Harfoush. She explains why we need to redesign our workday around creativity - not just efficiency.

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The Reason You Procrastinate (It's Not What You Think) | Mel Robbins

One of the questions from the audience at a recent Q&A: "How do I stop putting off the things I know I need to do?" Research shows that even though you relate to your procrastination as a way to avoid doing something, you actually put things on the back burner as a response to stress.

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Creative Well-Being