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Harville Hendrix: The Discovery of Otherness

By Harville Hendrix — 2009

01:21 min


Parents Argue Over Popular Daughter Who Is Rude at Home

This story is about a mom and a step-dad who had argued a lot over a teenage daughter who was rude and home and unwilling to do her part. The step-dad shifted to using a non-defensive statement and got very different results.

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Thubten Chodron’s Wonderful Dhamma Talk

Venerable Thubten Chodron speaking on Bodhicitta and relationships.

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When Your Partner Feels Like a Roommate

Have you ever felt like your partner is more of a roommate than a romantic partner or spouse? Maybe you two make a fantastic team—getting the laundry done, going to the grocery store, getting the kids to and from school—but it doesn’t feel like a relationship.

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How to Meet Broken Hearts and Longings—Jeff Foster

Author/teacher Jeff Foster shares how to mindfully meet a broken heart, honour it, breathe into it, allow blocked energy to move. How to bring love and acceptance to present-moment feelings of fear, sadness and longing.

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Lodro Rinzler on Sex and Dating with Mindfulness and Compassion

This teaching, from the author of THE BUDDHA WALKS INTO A BAR, asks us to contemplate what it means to bring mindfulness and compassion into the realm of sex and dating.

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What Is Gaslighting? How to Avoid Mental Manipulation and Emotional Abuse with Terri Cole

What Is Gaslighting? How to Avoid Mental Manipulation and Emotional Abuse - Terri Cole If this video describes your situation, please don’t give up. The first step is to understand that it’s happening.

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Emotional Labor: How to Stop Doing All the Work

In the episode, I share an article I read recently with some simple strategies a woman used that really made a difference in making her “invisible” emotional labor visible to her husband.

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HSPs in Relationships - Elaine Aron, PhD

HSPs come in different flavors: 70% are introverts, 30% are extraverts, and then there are sensation seekers. Here is how these differences affect your relationships.

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Bradshaw On: The Eight Stages of Man (1982) E6: They Lived Happily Ever After

Episode Six: They Lived Happily Ever After. Psychologist/Theologian John Bradshaw traces human life through eight stages of psychosocial development (based on the works of Erik Erikson) focusing on the ego needs and strengths of each stage.

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Passive-Aggressive Behavior & Conflict

Passive-aggressive people: Could you be one of them? Passive-aggressive people don't get mad, they get even. When conflict triggers an emotional response, the passive-aggressive pattern is for revenge, by some form of sabotage.

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Romantic Relationships