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Coping with Fatigue after Cancer Treatment—Ruth’s Story


Ruth had chemotherapy, surgery and proton therapy for Ewing’s sarcoma. She shares practical tips for coping with fatigue after cancer treatment. Ruth talks about: changing your exercise routine, getting reasonable adjustments at work, and being upfront about your limitations.

05:38 min


Beautiful Cancer / How to Overcome a Cancer Diagnosis | Jami Buchanan McNees | TEDxTemecula

There is something beautiful to be found in every situation. You just need to look for it. For Jami, receiving a Cancer diagnosis was no different. She knew there would be something amazing to experience through her diagnosis.

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Gratitude, a John Theurer Cancer Center Story

We treated Dominick first and Large B-Cell Lymphoma second.

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Finding your New Normal: Coping with Change After Cancer (US)

This presentation will help patients and their families understand and navigate the various lifestyle and role changes that can occur after a cancer diagnosis.

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A Cancer Patient’s Message: Don’t Let Cancer Define You

Mike Snyder has been dealing with a rare and aggressive bone cancer for many years. But despite his diagnosis, Mike maintains a positive outlook on life. His motto is to “not let cancer define you.”

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