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Understanding Your Feelings: Emotions, Alexithymia, and Autism

The Neurodiverging Podcast

Today, certified life coach Danielle Sullivan discusses the basics of what emotional intelligence is and why it can be difficult for neurodivergent people to develop emotional intelligence skills.

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See the World through Her Asperger Eyes: Wendy Lampen at TEDxDelft

Wendy Lampen works as a lecturer for a university of applied sciences. She got diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome herself. Trained as a teacher in English, History and Ethics she later on worked with adolescents with autism in a school setting.

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‘Clients Say It Feels Like We’ve Always Known Each Other’: The Mental Health Experts Who Believe Their Autism Has Turbocharged Their Work

Therapists, psychologists and nurses who are autistic say it has made them better at their jobs, but that misconceptions about the condition are forcing them to keep their diagnosis a secret.

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Autism May Be Linked to Mirror-Touch Synesthesia, the Ability to Physically Feel What Others Feel

Although synesthesia is not as rare as it was once believed, synesthetes (people who experience synesthesia) typically don’t realize their unique abilities are not common to everyone. Another fun fact: it’s also believed synesthesia could be linked to autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

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The Mirror-Touch Synesthetes Who Can Literally Feel Your Pain

People with the unique neurological condition aren't just sensitive to the emotions and physical sensations of others—they feel them like it's their own.

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The Man Who Tasted Words: A Neurologist Explores the Strange and Startling World of Our Senses

What we perceive to be absolute truths of the world around us is actually a complex internal reconstruction by our minds and nervous systems.

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What Happens When Our Brain Lets Us Taste Words?

Our five senses evolved to help us know the world. But sometimes, a tripped wire or two in the brain lets us perceive in completely bizarre ways.

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We Are All Synesthetes

Given the right circumstances.

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What Do You Feel When You Watch This? - BBC News

British scientists are looking for people with a rare condition called mirror-touch synesthesia, as it could help them to better understand empathy. Here's how - and why it's important.

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Synesthesia - Numberphile

Talking about Grapheme to Colour Synesthesia with Alex from Bite Sci-Zed.

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I Have Synesthesia and Words Taste Like Meatballs

What is synesthesia? -- A neurological phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second pathway. We talk to several synesthetes and recreate their experiences.

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