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It is strange to realize that even our own thoughts pass by like scenery out the window of a bus, a bus we took by accident while trying to get somewhere else.

By Daniel Pinchbeck
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Personal Development: 9 Skills, Tips, and Examples

Why personal development is so important and how to improve yourself.

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The Importance of Self-Discovery: Why Your Child Needs to Probe Her Neurodiversity

Give your child the self-esteem and skills to become a self-actualized adult who embraces self-discovery. That is every parent’s goal, but it is especially challenging—and important—when your child is neurodivergent. Use these four steps to help your child on that journey.

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A Psychiatrist Diagnosed Me as Autistic with ADHD. Now, Finally, I Can Thrive

Getting an official diagnosis as an adult is hard – but this year I got to know what being female and neurodivergent means.

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Why ‘That Girl’ Isn’t Real

The “that girl” trend has inspired millions of views, but the supposedly inspiring trend can become toxic.

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The Art of Impossible : A Peak Performance Primer

Bestselling author and peak performance expert Steven Kotler decodes the secrets of those elite performers—athletes, artists, scientists, CEOs and more—who have changed our definition of the possible, teaching us how we too can stretch far beyond our capabilities, making impossible dreams much more...

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Life Is Your Talents Discovered - Sir Ken Robinson - TEDxLiverpool

In this terrific and witty closing of TEDxLiverpool, Sir Ken Robinson argues that talent is often buried and that we need to search for it. In fact, the foundation of wisdom may be the willingness to go and look for it.

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Compassion Is a Strategic Advantage

LinkedIn’s vision is to create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce. You might be surprised that one of the biggest skills needed to achieve that vision is compassion, and especially compassion in leadership.

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Should You Be Grateful for the Hardest Thing in Your Life?

One trait of highly successful people is having a positive outlook on life, always moving forward, always learning – especially when it’s hard. We’re not typically grateful for the “worst” things in our lives. If we want to have a growth mindset, we should be.

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Growth Mindset of Athletic Ability

Growth mindset is the belief that personal characteristics can be changed. Growth mindset of athletic ability refers to the belief that physical/athletic skills and talents can be grown and developed through effort and learning.

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The Creative Visualization Workbook (Second Edition)

Newly updated, revised, and redesigned, this popular workbook companion to Gawain’s phenomenally successful guide to personal growth and fulfillment offers readers hands-on methods for designing and implementing a completely individualized blueprint for positive change.

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