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Psilocybin & Spirituality Roland Griffiths, PhD. Johns Hopkins Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit

By Roland Griffiths — 2015

Roland R. Griffiths, Ph.D. is a psychopharmacologist who serves as a professor and research coordinator at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. This interview was captured during the Psychedemia conference at the University of Pennsylvania in September 2012. See more...

36:37 min


Can Ayahuasca Promote Peace in the Middle East? Conversations with Palestinians and Israelis

A collaboration between MAPS and the Centre for Psychedelic Research at Imperial College London, Antwan Saca, Leor Roseman, Ph.D., and Natalie Ginsberg, M.S.W.

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Honoring the Indigenous Roots of the Psychedelic Movement | Bia Labate

A presentation and discussion on the continuities and discontinuities between the world of sacred plants and that of psychedelic science.

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MINDSET Lecture Series: Natalie Ginsberg, MSW

Natalie Ginsberg, MSW, discusses ayahuasca and the healing potential of psychedelics for intergenerational trauma in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

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Jeremy Narby at the World Psychedelic Forum

Jeremy Narby on science & shamanism.

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Can Ayahuasca Give an Intense Spiritual Experience? Sadhguru Answers

Sadhguru talks about Ayahuasca and other hallucinogenic substances that are used in some cultures to purge harmful parasites, and the possibilities and dangers of employing such substances.

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Ralph Metzner: My First Ayahuasca Experience

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Alex Grey: My 1st DMT Experience Was Very Memorable

Alex Grey describes his very memorable first experience with the psychedelic DMT, as well as several subsequent experiences, and how they influenced his art. From the documentary DMT: The Spirit Molecule.

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Christopher Timmermann—the Neurophenomenology of the DMT State

The Neurophenomenology of the DMT State, presented by Christopher Timmermann from Imperial College London, UK

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Ayahuasca Part 3: After the Ceremony

In Part 3 of my series on Ayahuasca, you'll learn how to navigate the post-Ayahuasca period, known by shamans as the "integration phase".

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Ayahuasca | Full Documentary from Aubrey Marcus & Mitch Schultz

This documentary follows Aubrey Marcus and company through a powerful Ayahuasca ceremony at Spiritquest Sanctuary in Peru. Under the guidance of Don Howard and his team of ayahuasca shamans, Aubrey and his tribe experience deeply vulnerable transformational experiences.

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