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The HERO'S JOURNEY - Joseph Campbell


This is a quick summary of The Hero's Journey stages by Joseph Campbell.

11:07 min


Joseph Campbell—Jung and the Persona System

Joseph Campbell continues exploring C.G. Jung’s idea of the Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious by looking at Jung’s concept of the Persona/Personae - the aspects of one’s personality that been shaped from outside, by the society in which one lives.

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Joseph Campbell—Jung, the Self, and Myth

Joseph Campbell begins exploring C.G. Jung’s idea of the Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious by looking at Jung’s concepts of the Self and of the Ego, and begins discussing how myth communicates between the two.

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The Hero's Journey of Self-Discovery

The cycle of the hero’s journey is a tale that is told over and over again, calling us to change by pushing us out of our comfort zone. These lessons are repeated over and over again, as one learns from their mistakes and improves upon life.

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Dr. Robert Johnson—Initiation and the Modern Ego

Dr. Robert Johnson—author, lecturer, analyst—discusses masculine initiation as it relates to the modern ego of the western male in his film In Search of the Holy Grail.

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More About the Great Mother Archetype

A segment taken from Women of Tibet: Gyalyum Chemo in which Dr.

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The Homeric Legends: The Lessons of the Three Nymphs

Joseph Campbell explores the mythic journey of Odysseus, as he struggles to reintegrate himself into his life. On his voyage back to his home, his wife, and his son, he encounters three goddesses or nymphs: Circe, Calypso, and Nausicaa.

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Joseph Campbell: Jung, Projection, and Love

Joseph Campbell continues exploring C.G. Jung’s idea of the Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious by looking at Jung’s concept of Projection -the way in which we take internal, unconscious images and overlay them onto real-world creatures.

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Hero’s Journey