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Working with Difficult Emotions by Phillip Moffitt / Spirit Rock Meditation Center

By Phillip Moffitt — 2011

Phillip Moffitt, Co-Guiding Teacher at Spirit Rock and author of "Dancing with Life," talks about how to use mindfulness practice to work with difficult or strong emotions such as anger.

10:51 min


Depression During and After Cancer—Fireside Friday Season 2 Episode 17

Fireside Fridays is the “cancer content” video series from Teen Cancer America! This week, we talk about depression. Teen Cancer America partners with hospitals throughout the United States to develop specialized facilities and services for teens and young adults with cancer.

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Powerful Daily Affirmations for Anxiety, Chronic Stress, Panic Attacks

Law of attraction positive affirmations for healing anxiety and other mental health challenges. Healing tones that speak straight to your subconscious mind, and begin the healing process from chronic stress and fearful overworking habits we build up in our lives.

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4 Things Emotionally Intelligent People Don’t Do

If you want to increase your emotional intelligence, try approaching the problem backwards: Instead of trying to improve your emotional intelligence skills, strive to identify and eliminate the habits that are interfering with your natural emotional intelligence in the first place.

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Positive Self-Talk

What is positive self-talk? Our internal dialogues, or “self-talk,” can shape our beliefs and influence our emotions and behavior, and provides assurance and motivation. Positive self-talk is a healthy way to cope with anxiety.

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Kelly McGonigal: How to Turn Stress into an Advantage

In her book, The Upside of Stress, McGonigal asks, “If you could choose how stressful tomorrow will be, would you hope for a great deal of stress?” Our natural response is likely a resounding “No.

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Words of Wisdom: Elizabeth Lesser on How to Get Through a Rough Patch

She's Oprah Winfrey's soul sister, and her books became big best sellers: Elizabeth Lesser. Back in the day, she used to be a midwife. It taught her that when you are going through a rough patch, it's just like in labor: resistance is useless, try to relax and embrace the situation.

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