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It must happen to us all . . . we pack up what we’ve learned so far and leave the familiar behind. No fun, that shearing separation, but somewhere within, we must dimly know that saying goodbye to safety brings the only security we’ll ever know.

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Richard Bach is an American author and a former USAF fighter pilot, Air Force captain, and latter-day barnstorming pilot. Bach is known for his 1970s bestsellers, Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah. A writer of both fiction and nonfiction flight-related books, Bach utilizes real-life events in his semi-autobiographical works to impart philosophical wisdom regarding humans’ physical limitations.

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Death Benefits: How Losing a Parent Can Change an Adult’s Life—for the Better

When psychotherapist Jeanne Safer lost her mother, she was determined to turn her loss into an opportunity for insight and growth. Through her own experience, her work with patients, and in-depth interviews, Safer shows that the death of a parent can be a catalyst for change.

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Shaman Clears Woman’s Sadness and Negative Energy

Natalie is trying to find her purpose, and struggles with depression and anxiety, which she says started 5 years ago after her mother passed away. She said when her mom passed she didn’t know who she was anymore.

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Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail

At twenty-two, Cheryl Strayed thought she had lost everything. In the wake of her mother’s death, her family scattered and her own marriage was soon destroyed. Four years later, with nothing more to lose, she made the most impulsive decision of her life.

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