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It must happen to us all . . . we pack up what we’ve learned so far and leave the familiar behind. No fun, that shearing separation, but somewhere within, we must dimly know that saying goodbye to safety brings the only security we’ll ever know.

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Richard Bach is an American author and a former USAF fighter pilot, Air Force captain, and latter-day barnstorming pilot. Bach is known for his 1970s bestsellers, Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah. A writer of both fiction and nonfiction flight-related books, Bach utilizes real-life events in his semi-autobiographical works to impart philosophical wisdom regarding humans’ physical limitations.

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03 – Stop the Toxic Positivity with Widow and Bestselling Author Nora McInerny

Amy talks to best-selling author and podcast host, Nora McInerny, about how toxic positivity causes more pain. She shares how to embrace uncomfortable feelings rather than fight them so you can live a better life.

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3 Steps to End Victimhood and Co-Dependency

You are a sovereign being. You are the only governing authority when it comes to your life.

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What's the Use of Suffering

The biggest mistake we can make, according to the Buddha, is to discount or minimize our suffering. Why? Because it is the fiery gate through which we must pass to engage the spiritual path.

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Growing with Suffering | Ram Dass Lecture 1980S

1980's. Ram Dass gives lecture on internal and external suffering. He says that resisting our suffering creates more suffering for ourselves and for other people. We need to practice listening, and to observe the way the mind responds to somebody's story.

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Gangaji: the Need to Heal

If what it is you want it to simply to be done with this woundedness then you will continue to search for something that temporarily at least makes you feel better.

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Be Patient, Master Is at Work- from Amma's Heart - Series: Episode 14 - Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

All Masters have said, “Aham Brahmasmi” (I am Brahman) and “Tat Twam Asi,” (You are that). Disciples then perform constant shravanam, mananam and nidhidyasanam (listening, reflection and internalization), and through this process they reach the depths of these statements.

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I Am That

This collection of the timeless teachings of one of the greatest sages of India, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, is a testament to the uniqueness of the seer’s life and work and is regarded by many as a modern spiritual classic.

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True Refuge: Finding Peace and Freedom in Your Own Awakened Heart

How do you cope when facing life-threatening illness, family conflict, faltering relationships, old trauma, obsessive thinking, overwhelming emotion, or inevitable loss? If you’re like most people, chances are you react with fear and confusion, falling back on timeworn strategies: anger,...

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Emotional Equations: Simple Steps for Creating Happiness + Success in Business + Life

When Chip Conley, dynamic author of the bestselling Peak, suffered a series of devastating personal and professional setbacks, he began using what he came to call “Emotional Equations” (such as Joy = Love – Fear) to help him focus on the variables in life that he could handle, rather than...

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Building Character