Karen Casey, PhD, is an American author and speaker who focuses on spiritual growth and addiction recovery, particularly through twelve-step programs.
Use Karen Casey’s 52 positive affirmations and meditations to find inner peace. We all face struggles that can leave us feeling broken and hopeless. But peace and healing are always available to us if we are open to them.
In this warm and supportive guide, Karen Casey brings together the stories of 24 ex-smokers, who talk candidly about their experiences: from the adventure of smoking that first cigarette to the stupefying “hangovers” that follow a day of heavy smoking.
Attending to one life—mine—rather than all the lives of the many who people my world is freedom. Surrender is the action. Freedom is the gift.
As part of the incomparable Hazelden Meditations series, the daily readings in A Life of My Own ask us to truly reflect on our relationships with people in our lives who are dealing with alcoholism or other substance use and addiction—and more importantly, to establish and improve a relationship...
The impact we can have on the world we share, if we choose to be kind in every circumstance or even in an occasional situation, simply can’t be overestimated.
Daily Meditations to Help You End Codependency End codependency now.
Daily readings to offer inspiration to those studying or following A Course in Miracles.
Best selling author of Each Day a New Beginning and many other books shares her story about codependency and alcoholism at the 2019 Addiction & Faith Conference
A Meditation-A-Day to Aid the Addiction 12-Step Recovery Process Help in staying centered and finding inner peace. Karen Casey’s daily meditation book Peace a Day at a Time offers 365 reminders to help strengthen those traveling the path to recovery from addiction.
Making the decision to let the past be past, is the first necessary step we must take if we want to see the truth of our journey.