
Lindo Bacon on body imagequotes

Below are the best quotes we could find featuring lindo bacon about body image.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageYou only have one body and despite how well you live your life, it may never change. Can you afford to hate yourself for the rest of your life?

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FindCenter Quotes ImageWeight is not an effective measure of attractiveness, moral character, or health. The real enemy is weight stigma, for it is the stigmatization and fear of fat that causes the damage and deflects attention from true threats to our health and well-being.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageThe only way to solve the weight problem is to stop making weight a problem—to stop judging ourselves and others by our size.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageOnce you consider the extent of the magical thinking that tends to be tied in to the fantasy of thinness, you can understand how threatening it is to consider the idea that you may never get the thin body you crave. It means that you never get to become the person you want to be.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageAccepting your body is not just about physicality, it’s about accepting who you are, not continuing to wait until you become the person you imagine being.

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