
Maria Popova

Maria Popova is a Bulgaria-born American writer and creator of the widely read blog Brain Pickings, now The Marginalian. Her work focuses on cultural criticism, the literary world, arts commentary, and philosophy. She has created the yearly event “The Universe in Verse,” which celebrates the beauty of the natural world through poetry.

Maria Popova
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Figuring explores the complexities of love and the human search for truth and meaning through the interconnected lives of several historical figures across four centuries—beginning with the astronomer Johannes Kepler, who discovered the laws of planetary motion, and ending with the marine biologist...

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Wisdom in the Age of Information: Maria Popova

“We live in a world awash of information, but we seem to face a growing scarcity of wisdom,” states Maria Popova, Founder of the website Brain Pickings. Popova believes it’s the storyteller’s role to interpret information and shape it into wisdom for the rest of the culture to share.

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To Be an Earth Ecstatic: Poet Diane Ackerman on the Spirituality of Wonder Without Religion

Branchings of belief from the lovely common root of “holy” and “whole” in the interleaving of all things.

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Almost Nothing, Yet Everything: A Stunning Japanese Illustrated Poem Celebrating Water and the Wonder of Life

“If you turn your back to the blues and deny your dependence on them,” Ellen Meloy wrote in her timeless meditation on water as a portal to transcendence, “you might lose your place in the world, your actions would become small, your soul disengaged.”

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The Secret to Superhuman Strength: An Illustrated Meditation on the Life of the Body, the Death of the Self, and Our Search for Meaning

Since long before we had neuroscience to tell us that our feelings begin in our bodies and shape our consciousness, we humans have been unconsciously using our bodies to control our feelings.

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Maria Popova: 7 Things I Learned

As part of CreativeMornings' fifth birthday, Maria Popova gives her best advice.

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The Snail with the Right Heart: A True Story

The Snail with the Right Heart is a story about time and chance, genetics and gender, love and death, evolution and infinity—concepts often too abstract for the human mind to fathom, often more accessible to the young imagination; concepts made fathomable in the concrete, finite life of one tiny,...

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Jane Goodall on the Meaning of Wisdom and the Deepest Wellspring of Hope

“A great deal of our onslaught on Mother Nature is not really lack of intelligence but a lack of compassion… True wisdom requires both thinking with our head and understanding with our heart.”

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Do Lectures 2014 - Maria Popova - Build Pockets of Stillness Into Your Life

Maria gives a whole new meaning to the verb to read, consuming and digesting thousands of books to feed them back to us in a timely fashion on her blog Brain Pickings. Her talk walks us through her 7 Life Learnings.

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Resolutions for a Life Worth Living: Attainable Aspirations Inspired by Great Humans of the Past

If we abide by the common definition of philosophy as the love of wisdom, and if Montaigne was right — he was — that philosophy is the art of learning to die, then living wisely is the art of learning how you will wish to have lived. A kind of resolution in reverse.

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Diane Ackerman