
Intuition bridges the gap between the conscious and unconscious, between instinctual wisdom and reason. People sometimes call it “listening to your gut” or “following a hunch.” Some social scientists refer to intuition as the interpretation of the sensory signals your body is picking up under the radar of your conscious mind, which we often describe as something “feeling off.” Allowing intuition to blossom requires listening to and trusting your body and inner messages and being present in the moment. Relying on intuition is not ignoring or denying logic or reason, but it is believing that your mind and body contain more levels of knowledge than can be accessed on the surface. Intuition is also an important part of psychic work.

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What Happens When You Unleash Your Intuition | Sonia Choquette

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Practical Intuition: How to Harness the Power of Your Instinct and Make It Work for You

Gut feeling. Sixth sense. Hunch. No matter what it's called, intuition plays a part in the decisions we make every day.

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How to Intuitively Make Smart Decisions

Intuition offers a direct line to your life force, and also, as I experience it, to a divine intelligence. We can't afford to remain deaf to intuition's messages. Its expertise is energy; its job is to know every nuance of what makes you tick.

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FindCenterYou get your intuition back when you make space for it, when you stop the chattering of the rational mind.

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#23 Ray Dalio: Life Lessons from a Self-Made Billionaire

Are you in love with your own ideas regardless of how good they are? Would you like to make better decisions and fewer mistakes?

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Living Proof: Mother’s Intuition is Real | Candy Peterson | TEDxSMU

Equal parts witty and emotional, Candy Peterson reveals how a mother’s intuition proved more accurate than doctors’ assessments and ultimately lead to a melanoma diagnosis in her young daughter, Marit.

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Living in the Light: Follow Your Inner Guidance to Create a New Life and a New World

Are you searching for deeper meaning and purpose in your life? Do you sense that you have an inner wisdom that can be a guiding force for you, yet wonder how to connect with that intuitive self? How do you know which inner voices to listen to? For over thirty years, Shakti Gawain has helped...

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FindCenterBliss and joy come in moments of living our highest truth—moments when what we do is consistent with our archetypal depths. It’s when we are most authentic and trusting, and feel that whatever we are doing, which can be quite ordinary, is nonetheless sacred.

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What Is Intuition, and How Do We Use It?

We don’t have to reject scientific logic in order to benefit from instinct.

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How to Make Intuitive Decisions: Listening to Your Gut

Author of "GUIDE TO INTUITIVE HEALING" and the New York Times bestseller EMOTIONAL FREEDOM, Judith Orloff MD discusses the section in her books about the power of positive intention to create your reality and build intuitive power.

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