Veteran Well-Being & fellowship and community

Below are the best resources we could find on Veteran Well-Being and fellowship and community.

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How to Successfully Transition from Military to Civilian Life | Brian O’Connor | TEDxOakland

Through his talk, Brian candidly shares tips and tricks on how to successfully transition from military to civilian life. Mr.

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Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging

We have a strong instinct to belong to small groups defined by clear purpose and understanding—“tribes.” This tribal connection has been largely lost in modern society, but regaining it may be the key to our psychological survival.

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Once a Warrior: How One Veteran Found a New Mission Closer to Home

From Marine sniper Jake Wood, a riveting memoir of leading over 100,000 veterans to a life of renewed service, volunteering to battle, hurricanes, tornados, wildfires, pandemics, and civil wars, and inspiring onlookers as their unique military training saved lives and rebuilt our country.

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My Journey from Marine to Actor | Adam Driver

Before he fought in the galactic battles of Star Wars, Adam Driver was a United States Marine with 1/1 Weapons Company.

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Run, Don’t Walk: The Curious and Courageous Life Inside Walter Reed Army Medical Center

In her six years at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Adele Levine rehabilitated soldiers admitted in worse and worse shape.

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Returning Vets: Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen

It’s an uphill battle for returning veterans as they look for support from their church and their community.

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Sebastian Junger: Why Veterans Miss War

Civilians don't miss war. But soldiers often do. Journalist Sebastian Junger shares his experience embedded with American soldiers at Restrepo, an outpost in Afghanistan's Korengal Valley that saw heavy combat.

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Lonely Men on Campus: Student Veterans Struggle to Fit In

After months or years in far-off war zones, former soldiers are facing a new kind of isolation at college.

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VCP Tiny Home Tour

Tour a tiny house in VCP Village—Kansas City and experience "housing with dignity."

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How to Create Community After Your Military Service Is Over

No matter where you move after the military, even if you’re returning to where you grew up, it takes time and effort to find your sense of belonging. Your civilian job likely won’t provide that as easily as the military did—or at all.

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