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How this Sports Psychologist Trains NFL Players’ Brains | The Assist | GQ Sports


These days in the NFL, every team has a sports psychologist who looks out for the players’ mental health. Meet Mike Gervais, the sports psychologist for the Seattle Seahawks. See more...

12:21 min


Black Women’s Yoga History: Memoirs of Inner Peace—Dr. Stephanie Y. Evans with Dr. Layli Maparyan

How have Black women elders managed stress? In Black Women's Yoga History, Stephanie Y.

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Sensei José Shinzan Palma: How Your Practice Can Heal the World

Sensei José Shinzan Palma explains how our meditation practice can help us change the world.

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Nicolai Bachman - Why Is Yoga Important

The Path of the Yoga Sutras with Nicolai Bachman

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Mastering Self-Control | Stoic Exercises for Inner Peace

The Stoics bring forth the theme of self-control on a regular basis. Epictetus, for example, spoke about abstaining from talking about vulgar things, and Marcus Aurelius points out that we should set limits to comfort and consumption.

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Waiting for the Next Moment | Balance in Presence

In this featured talk, Eckhart guides us from the troublesome "waiting room" of our modern lives, pointing us to the depths of the present moment as both our true home and the ultimate source of wisdom and balance.

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Stoicism | How Marcus Aurelius Keeps Calm

Needless to say, Marcus Aurelius was a busy man, carrying the burden of leadership over an empire, and all the stress that comes from this. His work, Meditations, gives us an idea of how he coped.

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Athlete Well-Being