
Jazmine McCoy

Jazmine McCoy, Psy.D., is an American clinical psychologist and author who specializes in child-raising skills as potty-training, keeping children on healthy sleep schedules and stopping temper tantrums.

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How to Tame Your Child’s Aggressive Behaviors - The Mom Psychologist

We've all been there. Your child gets frustrated and the next thing you know, you're being hit in the face or slapped on the leg (or pushed, kicked, pinched, etc.).

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10 Ideas for a Calming Morning Routine

If you think about it, our children must be separated from us for eight to 12 hours while they sleep. Mornings are a great opportunity to reconnect with your child after all of those hours of separation.

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How to Make My Kids Listen | How to Get Your Kids to Listen Without Yelling | The Mom Psychologist

Sharing positive parenting tips to help you understand and connect with your child so that you can be the parent you *want* to be!

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Top 10 Sleep Tips for Toddlers

Navigating sleep with toddlers and preschoolers can be tricky, especially with their newfound need for independence and autonomy. Here are some quick tips to consider if sleep has become a battle in your home.

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Child Swearing: What to Do and Say When Child Swears or Uses Unkind Words | Child Psychologist Tips

Oops! Your child overheard you drop the F-bomb and now it’s their new favorite word. Or better yet, they—out of nowhere—say a swear word and you’re left wondering, “Where did they learn that from!? I’ve never used those words!”

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Top Potty Training Tips from The Mom Psychologist

For some parents, potty training kids can be a daunting experience. But these days, thanks to social media, parents can turn to experts like Dr.

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How to Stop Yelling at Your Kids | How to Stop Being an Angry Parent

Parenting is one of the hardest jobs we will ever have and even the calmest parents will lose their cool and yell at their kids from time to time. Yelling doesn’t make us bad parents. Yelling makes us human.

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Bedtime Routine: Ideal Toddler and Preschooler Bedtime Routine | The Mom Psychologist

Bedtime can get messy real quick. We’re all tired and we as parents are often ready for the bedtime routine to be over before it even gets started.

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Favorite iPad Apps for Toddlers | Best Educational Apps and TV Shows for Toddlers 2020

Here are my favorite educational apps and TV shows for toddlers to promote early learning. Saved my top favorite until the end!

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How to Be a White Ally: How White Shame Is Getting in the Way (2020)

There are no shortcuts to this work—no checklists, books, or talking points when you have skipped out on the work. Address your shame and guilt, acknowledge your white privilege and #dothework. Please. Don't back down. Don't take your foot off the gas.

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