
Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart is an American internationally bestselling author and award-winning journalist who writes and speaks on harnessing the power of intentions, particularly in groups of eight people, in order to heal physical illness. She is known for being an inspiring thought leader and inspiration for New Thought spiritual and physical wellness.

Lynne McTaggart
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Investigate the Power of Eight

I’ve always struggled with prayer—the asking kind. It reminds me of Janis Joplin’s satiric song about asking the Lord for a Mercedes-Benz, and it never felt right to me.

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The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe

During the past few years science and medicine have been converging with common sense, confirming a widespread belief that everything―especially the mind and the body―is far more connected than traditional physics ever allowed.

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How Your Positive Thinking Helps Us All: Thinking ‘We’ Helps ‘Me’ Do Bette

Many of us now realize that the kinds of thoughts we think throughout most of the day create our reality. We try to program ourselves with positive self-talk, such as: ‘I am going to have a great day. All good things will flow to me, and everything that’s supposed to happen will happen.’

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FindCenter Quotes ImageThe most essential ingredient in creating our universe is the consciousness that observes it.

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The Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World

Using cutting-edge research conducted at Princeton, MIT, Stanford, and many other prestigious universities and laboratories, The Intention Experiment reveals that the universe is connected by a vast quantum energy field.

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Lynne McTaggart: Intention, Quantum Physics, the Bond - Bridging the Science and Spirituality

Lynne McTaggart is a best-selling author, researcher, and lecturer whose work has rightly been described as “a bridge between science and spirituality.

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The Power of Eight: Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life, and the World

In The Power of Eight, Lynne McTaggart—whose “work has had an unprecedented impact on the way everyday people think of themselves in the world” (Gregg Braden, author of The Divine Matrix)—reveals her remarkable findings from ten years of experimenting with small and large groups about how the...

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FindCenter Quotes ImageThe excitement that science possesses is its ability to answer the big questions.

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Lynne McTaggart and Dr. Dacher Keltner Discuss the Vagus Nerve

An in-depth interview with Dr Dacher Keltner about the vagus nerve and its connection with the rebound effect of sending out healing intention.

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What We Now Know About the Miracles Inside You: Join Dr. Joe Dispenza and Lynne McTaggart

A discussion about science and spirituality together.

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Joe Dispenza